Helpful Links
We thought that y'all might like a single place to find links to resources we've found helpful and other sites & folks that have inspired us. So here it is ... organized by RYG Lifestyle. And to make it even easier, if there's a Lifestyle you're most interested in, just click on it below to jump down to those links.
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”
Audrey Hepburn, Actress | Humanitarian

Monrovia Plant Catalog
Monrovia is my first stop to learn more about a specific plant OR to find a plant that meets specific growing conditions.
Best Tree Finder | Tree Wizard
The Arbor Day Foundation provides this incredibly user-friendly tool to help you find the perfect tree for your outdoor spaces.
Old Farmer's Almanac
One of the original reference resources (like since 1792!) for weather forecasts, planting charts, gardening & tons more!
USDA Hardiness Zone Map
Before you put a plant in the ground check to see what "hardiness zone" you're in to ensure it will thrive.
Southern Living
You don't have to be a Southerner to benefit from the articles & resources that Southern Living has to offer.
Fine Gardening
Fine Gardening is a great resource for both inspiration & how-to information ... they will even narrow your search by region.
Unique by Design | Containers
Helen Weis is as kind as she is talented ... and that's saying a whole heck of a lot on both counts! Containers are her specialty, as can see on her Instagram account & if you have a question, just ask her here. See ... what did I tell you?!?
Gardener's Supply Company
A great resource for products & advice related to almost any gardening-related project you're working on.
SodGod | Comprehensive Grass Guide
SodGod provides one of the best guides to help you choose which grass is best for where you & your yard.
Grass Guide | Lawn Love
Referencing several growing & climate maps, Lawn Love does a great job connecting the dots on which grasses are best for you & so much more!
Soil Calculator
Estimate the amount of soil you need for a landscape bed ... by cubic yard, bag or ton.
Mulch Calculator
Uncertain about how much mulch you'll need in your garden? Look no further ... we've got you covered. (See what I did there?)
Plant Calculator
An extremely helpful tool that will calculate how many plants you need for your landscape beds.
Johnny's Selected Seeds
Great seeds (flowers, herbs, fruits, & veggies), great selection, & great company. And their Grower's Library is chock-full of great information & resources.

Children & Nature Network
A non-profit focused on "helping children play, learn & grow with nature in their everyday lives," founded by Richard Louv.
Get the Kids Outside
We've never met these folks before ... but they are so RYG. Their mission is to "get kids outside & help them connect with nature."
A great website ... chock-full-of activities you could do with the kids in your life that don't take a lot of money or pre-planning.
Nature Play at Home
An incredible resource for helping "boost your children’s healthy development & creativity" at home.
Outdoor Home Playground Safety Handbook
This handbook highlights the most important safety information you need to know about having an outdoor playground at home.
Run Wild My Child
" Helping parents get kids get off screens & outside into nature, one adventure at a time." 'Nuf said, right? See them on fb too.
Last Child in the Woods
We know, this isn't an online resource ... but it's a must-read by Richard Louv for anyone who has a passion for kids & nature.
Naturalized Play Spaces
A post by our friend, Holly Brooks | King Landscaping ... with great design tips for creating a naturalized play space at home.
National Wildlife Federation | Kids & Family
The NWF has connected kids & youth with nature for decades, helping parents & educators engage kids outside
The Natural Learning Initiative
NLI's mission is to promote the importance of the natural environment in the daily lives of all children & their families.
Wilder Child
WC's tagline says it all ... nature-centered parenting. Check out their website and follow them on fb to be motivated & inspired.
1000 Hours Outside
A great blog hosted by an incredible family encouraging all the right things for the right reasons. See them on fb too.
“The humblest of tasks get beautified if loving hands do them.”
Louisa May Alcott, Author | Poet

Fresh Eggs Daily
Lisa Steele’s FED site is the best when it comes to raising chickens (& ducks!). Bonus - here's a great post Lisa did for folks just starting down the chicken-raising journey!
Mother Earth News
Mother Earth News is the longest running & one of the most popular resources for living a sustainable lifestyle.
Grubbly Farms
Grubbly Farms is a great source of organic, USA-grown treats & feed for your hungry flock of feathered friends. | Grit Magazine
As Grit's tagline suggests, a great source for all things related to ... rural american know-how.
Lancaster Chicken Coops
Headquartered in Lancaster, PA … Lancaster Chicken Coops provide beautiful, safe, long-lasting chicken coops.
Absorbent Products, LTD
Great source of products to keep your coop fresh & clean so your flock stays healthy!
Scratch and Peck Feeds
A great source for Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified animal feeds, supplements & treats.
A great resource for all kinds of supplies - feeders, waterers & other supplies, vitamins & supplements ... and so much more.
Meyer Hatchery
Meyer Hatchery ships a variety of chicks (& juvenile chickens) … as well as, ducklings, goslings & all kinds of other foul.
Tractor Supply Company
The Tractor Supply Company is a great online source for your backyard chickens ... and retail store, if you're so lucky to have one nearby!
New Country Organics
Another great source of organic feed for your backyard farm animals ... as well as soil & fertilizers.
Hobby Farms
A great resource for the small-scale farmer & gardening do-it-yourselfer ... for both inspiration & support.
Children & Chickens
A post from green child magazine that we thought you might find helpful if you're considering adding a flock to the family mix.
Beekeeping | Mann Lake Ltd.
A great source for all things beekeeping - equipment & gear for all stages of beekeeping.
Mountain Sweet Honey Co.
Another great your beekeeping needs. This is where I actually get my bees ... and they are great to work with.
American Beekeeping Federation
A national source for information & resources; but beekeepers from local beekeeping clubs will likely prove to be most helpful.

USDA Hardiness Zone Map
What "hardiness zone" you live in is particularly important when you're planning to grow fruits & veggies.
Old Farmer's Almanac | Planting Calendar
This is the ultimate resource when trying to figure out when to plan what fruits & veggies where you live.
Joe Gardener
Not only is the Joe of Joe Gardener a personal friend ... Joe Lamp'l ... he is also the end-all-be-all for organic gardening.
Growing a Greener World
GGW is an Emmy-winning TV show that Joe Lamp'l (a la Joe Gardener) hosts. Find all sorts of helpful & inspiring content here.
Cooperative Extension Offices | By State
Your local "cooperative extension" services office can give you advice on most anything plant/agriculture related in your area
FoxFarm | Soil & Fertilizer Company
FoxFarm produces some of the finest soil mixes, fertilizers, & micro-brewed liquid plant foods you can find. Check out their website to see who carries FoxFarm locally.
Johnny's | Planning Tools & Calculators
Johnny's also has one of the most comprehensive set of planning & calculating tools I've seen in one place. You're welcome!
Gardener's Supply Company
A great resource for products & advice related to almost any gardening-related project you're working on.
Raised Bed Soil Calculator
Check out Gardener's Supply Soil Calculator to determine how much soil you'll need for your raised beds & the soil recipe.
Family Handyman | Must-Have Garden Tools
I could probably come up with my own, but my list of must-have garden tools would probably look just like this one.
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Another great seed resource, Baker Creek offers one of the largest selections of heirloom seeds from Europe and Asia, and their catalog features about 1,000 heirloom varieties.
Seed Folks
If you love gardening & have kids (or not, really) this is a great read-aloud book to promote both gardening & community.
“One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides.”
W.E. Johns, English WWI Pilot | Adventure Writer

Belgard Pavers & Hardscapes
Belgard offers an array of hardscape products to complement your home & help you create the perfect outdoor spaces.
Container Gardening 101
You'll likely want containers busting with plants in your gathering spaces ... here's a post that will provide you some of the basics.
Unique by Design | Containers
Helen's container creations are so good, I included them here & in the GROW section to be sure you didn't miss them.
Pottery World | Pottery & Accessories
Pottery World offers a great selection of potter, fountains, furniture & accessories to complete your outdoor spaces.
James Farmer | Author & Designer
In the South, at least, no one has written as much about the art & beauty of gathering than James Farmer. Be inspired further by checking out his Instagram account. Enjoy!
World Market
World Market may not be everyone's brand of choice, but I've always found their selection to be great & prices to be reasonable.
Likewise, you can really deck out any outdoor gathering space on a budget at Target ... just don't go too crazy!
Restoration Hardware | Outdoor
If you want to bump it up a notch, check out RH's wide selection of outdoor furniture ... if only to be inspired.
AuthenTEAK also provides a wide selection of furniture for most any outdoor space, as well as planters, grills, and other associated accessories & furnishings.
R.Wood Studio | Pottery
You may have seen some of our "everyday" dinnerware on some of our posts. It's actually pottery from r.wood & we love it!

"Blending" your indoor & outdoor spaces is all about using textures, colors & materials inside that you would typically find outside ... making the visual & functional flow between the two more natural.
Being inspired by what others have done is often the first place to start. Check out these inspiring Instagramers .
Using a natural fiber rug helps create the foundation for an outdoor-inspired interior space.
AntiqueFarmHouse features unique farmhouse style décor, vintage reproductions & home decor design at great prices.
The Painted Hive
The Painted Hive offers free printables that you can use to beautify your interiors with a nod to the outdoors.
Sherwin-Williams | ColorSnap
Sherwin-Williams has a nifty tool that creates a color palette based on a picture you upload. Genius!
The Spruce | Paint Calculator
To help you easily "blend" your interior spaces by using outdoorsy paint colors, The Spruce offers this handy paint calculator.
“Home is the nicest word there is.”
Laura Ingalls Wilder, Author - Little House on the Prairie