4th of July Must Haves - Redeem Your Ground |

4 Must-Haves for the 4th of July!

By Doug Scott

In just a couple of days you’ll very likely be hanging out with a group of friends or family…celebrating the 4th of July. Which will likely involve being outside and eating some really good food…and maybe an adult beverage or two…and a sparkler thrown in there to round…

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DIY Pallet Board Coffee Table - Redeem Your Ground |

DIY Pallet Board Coffee Table

By Doug Scott

I’ve finally jumped onto the DIY pallet board bandwagon. Last week I finished up a pallet board coffee table to go in front of the hanging day bed on our pergola. Now…the girls and I did make a wall hanging of sorts for Britt for Mother’s Day a…

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The Rhythm of Family...Natural Bug Spray - Redeem Your Ground | &

Natural Bug Spray Recipe

By Brittany Scott

It’s the end of August.and I am so fed up with battling mosquitoes.  I know they are God’s creation and all…and I know that they have a great purpose in our ecosystem, but they drive. me. crazy!!!!! They steal so much joy out of an otherwise lovely day! …

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Redeem Their Ground ... Barn Raising - Redeem Your Ground |

Redeem Their Ground…Bringing Back the Old-Fashioned Barn Raising

By Doug Scott

This past Saturday was just one of those days. Not one of those days …bad. But one of those days…good, so good. And at the end of this oh-so-good day we plopped our exhausted bodies, full stomachs, reeling minds, and overflowing hearts in bed…satisfied…content…thankful…wondering why days like this…

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Let there be light...string lights - Redeem Your Ground |

Let There Be Light…String Lights!

By Doug Scott

If you’ve been reading RYGblog for anytime at all, you’ve probably heard me talk about “Scott Family Farm”…which is really just our side yard that we’ve redeemed from the waste of a space it used to be. (If you’re just tuning in and are interested in seeing more…

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The COOLEST Fire Pit Ever! - Redeem Your Ground | & S&S Fire Pits |

The COOLEST Fire Pit Ever | S&S Fire Pits

By Doug Scott

I know that the weather hasn’t really been cool enough yet to scream that it’s time for an evening outside around the fire, but this week I just couldn’t help myself. Our summer just seemed extra hot and extra long…and after having what felt like weeks and weeks of…

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4th of July Must Have...String Lights - Redeem Your Ground |

How to Hang String Lights [Video with Exmark]

By Doug Scott

We’ve done a ton to our outdoor spaces to make them our own…but after all that we still couldn’t really enjoy them after the sun went down. That was until we added some string lights into the mix. Now…dinners and game nights last a lot longer. I can…

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How We’ve Redeemed Our Ground … and Will!

By Doug Scott

Winter is a unique time of year for those of us who enjoy spending a lot of time outside in our yards.  This is a common time for organizing our tools and cleaning things up, but it’s also a great opportunity to reflect over the past year’s projects,…

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Family Fireside Chats

By Doug Scott

There is nothing more mesmerizing to me than staring into a fire.  I could do it for hours.  At the hunting camp growing up, I can remember ending every day hanging out at the campfire – not only because there was nothing else to do and it was…

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ENO Double-Nest Hammock - Redeem Your Ground |

Last Minute Gift Ideas for Your Ground Redeemer

By Doug Scott

I once did a post on last minute gift ideas for your ground redeeming friends and family t … and was recently been asked if I was going to do it again. Well … the answer is, “I am.” Today. Right now. So keep reading. (By the way,…

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Snow Days … the Perfect Time to Gather and to Connect

By Brittany Scott

One Tuesday back in 2014 I spent over four hours stuck in gridlocked, icy roads desperately trying to drive a carload of 2nd graders back to school from a field trip to anxiously waiting parents.  Many a moment along that journey the feat seemed impossible…the kids hadn’t had…

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Gather, Play…and So Much More

By Doug Scott

 [So I asked my friend and fellow family and outdoors lover, Jen Overly, if I could use her comment on a recent post as a post in and of itself.  “Asked” is probably not the most accurate word…more like “told”.  I “told” her because I simply didn’t want…

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Delicious Recipe for Rosemary Bread

By Doug Scott

If you’ve visited RYGblog over the past couple of months you’ve gotten to know my friend and fellow home gardener, Tracy Prather.  Her Creamy Asparagus & Roasted Artichoke Soup recipe made us all think twice about two veggies that are often avoided (at least I once did)…and her last recipe…

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How to make a Wine Bottle Tiki Torch - Redeem Your Ground |

Declaring War on Mosquitoes | DIY Wine Bottle Tiki Torch

By Doug Scott

I can’t stand mosquitoes. Sure … I get that they serve some purpose in the greater ecosystem, but as Brownie often asks me, I’m sometimes left wondering too – “Why did God ever create mosquitoes?!?” And I know that I’m not alone. So today’s post is on how-to-make…

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Hanging Daybed - Redeem Your Ground |

The Hanging Daybed – a Perfect Spot to Read or Snooze

By Doug Scott

So Britt has started this series of posts on redeeming your ground by reading outside; however, as she suggested last week…I’m not much of a reader. I know I should be for so many reasons, but I’m just not. Sorry. That said, I redeem my ground in different…

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Neighborhood Games - Redeem Your Ground |

Please won’t you be my neighbor?

By Doug Scott

There are few things that make my mind zoom back to my childhood quicker than hearing the song from Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.  (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, take a look at the video below or ask one of your parents.) Man that was a long time…

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Outdoor Party - Redeem Your Ground |

Take the Party Outside!

By Doug Scott

When considering where to host a special event like a birthday bash or a large dinner party, it seems that most of us limit our thinking to either having it inside or paying to have it somewhere else – when all along there’s very likely a great space…

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DIY Outdoor Lighting Project - Redeem Your Ground |

Crazy Easy & Cheap DIY Outdoor Lighting Project

By Doug Scott

  This was such a cheap and easy project that I don’t really have much to write about. Regardless…we couldn’t be happier with how the DIY outdoor lighting project we did for our pergola turned out. And the really cool thing is, we used mostly materials that we had just lying around. It provides…

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