Backyard Makeover Tips - Redeem Your Ground |

“I love my new yard!”…Backyard Makeover Tips

By Doug Scott

There are few things that satisfy me more professionally than seeing pics like the one above and hearing words like “I love my new yard!”…especially from my youngest of clients. And that’s what eventually happened after I got a call from a good friend of mine late last…

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How to Build a Potting Bench - Redeem Your Ground |

My Potting Bench (Post #1 of 2)

By Doug Scott

Greetings fellow Ground Redeemers. I hope this post finds you well…enjoying the final days of summer – which is so hard to believe. Well, I’m excited about sharing how I’ve spent some of my summer days…building a potting bench. And I’m a tad bit proud too…not only because…

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RYGblog is on Apartment Therapy...check out these posts to get some great tips on landscape design and flower gardening - Redeem Your Ground |

[EXCITING NEWS] Apartment Therapy & RYGblog

By Doug Scott

I have some really exciting news to share. After a fairly random chain of events we got connected with the fine folks over at Apartment Therapy. It all started when Britt’s post on how-to-make Easter egg bird seed ornaments was curated on one of Apartment Therapy’s posts. One…

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How to Build a Potting Bench - Redeem Your Ground |

My Potting Bench (Post #2 of 2)

By Doug Scott

If you’re just tuning into RYGblog and haven’t seen the first post about my potting bench, I’d recommend that you do. It provides you with a bit more context, as well as some instructions on a few of the potting bench’s details (i.e., this post doesn’t cover it all).…

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How to Prune Hydrangea - Redeem Your Ground | RYGblog (Printable Reference Guide)

A Hydrangea…By Any Other Name

By Doug Scott

It’s clear by just quickly looking over our yard that hydrangeas are one of Britt’s and my favorite plants…particularly during the late spring and summer months.  Not only do we love their massive blooms popping all over our yard, we also love the life they bring when we…

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5 Must Have Shrubs with White Flowers (Annabelle Hydrangeas) - Redeem Your Ground |

Hydrangea – Quick Reference Guide

By Doug Scott

Based on the positive feedback I received from some of my fellow ground redeemers, instead of burying the Quick Reference Guide to Common Landscape Hydrangeas at the end of the post where some folks might miss it…I’m giving it a post all to itself. So if you did miss it and…

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Types of Hydrangea - Redeem Your Ground | RYGblog

How to Plant Hydrangeas

By Doug Scott

Last week I started a series of posts on hydrangeas…which seems to be one of everyone’s favorite plants – particularly here in the South.  My initial post was all about the “what”…outlining the importance of knowing what kind of hydrangea is best for your space…and noting that there’s a ton you…

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How to Prune Hydrangeas - Redeem Your Ground | (PeeGee Hydrangea)

How to Prune Hydrangeas…and When

By Doug Scott

Several weeks ago I started a series of posts on one of everyone’s favorite landscape shrubs…the loverly hydrangea. I started with defining and describing the different types of hydrangeas…and next how to plant hydrangeas.  Today I’m going to continue along the hydrangea path with answering one of the most common questions I…

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5 Must Have Shrubs with White Flowers (Reeves' Spirea) - Redeem Your Ground |

5 Must-Have Shrubs with White Flowers…to Extend the Life of Your Garden

By Doug Scott

  It’s during these long, hot dog days of summer that I’m thankful to still have some shrubs whose flowers are still doing their thing. Most of the flowers from my other shrubs have come and gone, my fescue has definitely seen a better day, and my potted…

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Back Yard Triage...5 Tips to Bring Life to Your Outdoor Spaces - Redeem Your Ground |

Back Yard Triage: 5 Landscape Design Tips to Bring Life to Your Outdoor Spaces

By Doug Scott

I know…with these hot and humid days we’re still having, you probably don’t want to be outside in your yard for very long. But now is actually the perfect time to think about your yard, because in the fall…which is just around the corner…it will be the perfect time…

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Irish Garden Shed - Redeem Your Ground |

Irish Garden Shed … Clearly, Not Your Everyday Shed

By Doug Scott

  Early last year my mother-in-law did a post on RYGblog about one of her friend’s beautiful potting shed . If you haven’t seen it…check it out…because you’ll see that not only is it incredibly functional (why most people want a shed), but it is gorgeous as well (something…

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Late Blooming Hydrangeas - Redeem Your Ground |

My Favorite Late Blooming Hydrangeas

By Doug Scott

I don’t know…maybe I love late blooming hydrangeas so much because I was a late bloomer myself. But hopefully I’ve gotten past my pre-pubescent challenges by now…and it has much more to do with the fact that while most of my yard’s other bloomin’ shrubs have seen a much…

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Using Coffee Grounds in Your Garden - Redeem Your Ground | Redeem Your Ground

Redeem Your Grounds…Your Coffee Grounds That Is!

By Doug Scott

So I was at home writing a post when Britt texted me a pic that she had taken while at Starbucks picking up a morning boost…with the message “What a great idea for a blog post.” Her pic was of a sign promoting Starbucks’ “Grounds for Your Garden” program.…

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Repurposing Glass Jars as Charming Flower Vases - Redeem Your Ground |

Repurposing Glass Jars to Bring Some Green Inside

By Brittany Scott

My mom is amazing at bringing the outdoors in…what we like to call “BLENDing” here at RYG.  She has such a gift and an eye for plants and how to arrange them in such a lovely way.  She’s always gathering things from her yard and bringing the beauty…

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Repurposing Glass Jars as Charming Flower Vases - Redeem Your Ground |

Repurposing Glass Jars as Charming Flower Vases

By Brittany Scott

Last weekend I helped host a bridal shower with some friends for our pastor’s daughter.   What a fun and special celebration for this young bride!  One of my responsibilities as hostess was to bring flowers to brighten up the tables.  With all the glass jars on the counter from last…

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Best Fall Annuals - Redeem Your Ground |

Best Fall Flowers – Bringing Life to Your Outdoor Spaces

By Doug Scott

Truth be told, I’m not a huge fan of annuals…at any time of the year really. They’re an added cost…and frankly, I’m really not into the extra work they require – planting them and then taking care of them…waaah!  And with fall approaching…as the days are getting cooler…

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Tips for Fall Container Gardening...Helen Weis | Unique by Design & Redeem Your Ground |

Tips for Fall Container Gardening – Helen Weis | Unique by Design

By Doug Scott

Back in April I did a post on container gardening basics … Container Gardening 101. Since today is the first day of fall…I thought I’d give you a bit more container gardening goodie…but this time I’ll put a fall twist to it. Like I did last spring, I’ve enlisted the help of the container gardening…

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How to Take Care of Your Lawn - Redeem Your Ground | (Photo Credit: Nejron Photo ( via Compfight ( cc (

How to Take Care of Your Lawn – pH Testing, Aeration & Overseeding

By Doug Scott

If you have cool season grass (e.g., fescue, ryegrass, bluegrass, etc.), now is the time that you really need to take those extra measures to ensure a beautiful lawn. And when I say extra measures, I mean those things beyond what most of us think of as the…

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Hydrangeas, Hydrangeas, Hydrangeas! All you need to know about Hydrangeas. Redeem Your Ground |

How to Dry Hydrangeas…and Now’s a Great Time for Those Late Bloomers!

By Doug Scott

Alright…it’s confession time. I found out how to dry hydrangeas by accident. I wasn’t trying to create a dried flower arrangement that would grace our home for years to come when I forgot to water it…but that’s what happened.  In fact, quite a few of our dried hydrangeas…

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5 Fall Gardening To-Do's - Redeem Your Ground |

5 Fall Gardening To-Do’s

By Doug Scott

Happy Fall Y’all! It’s so nice that not only have we officially turned the page from summer to fall, but that we’re actually starting to feel the refreshing autumn air…at least here in Atlanta.  Sigh… And not only that, it’s the perfect time to do quite a few things…

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Why Do Leaves Change Color?

By Doug Scott

[Every year the leaves change color…so every year I’ll likely re-post this post on Why Do Leaves Change Color? I just think it’s pretty amazing…and thought that there might be others wondering the very some thing. So here it is again. But beware, I go a little biology on…

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Fall Shrub Care: Food | Water | Shelter - Redeem Your Ground | Monrovia ( |

Fall Shrub Care: Food | Water | Shelter (a la Monrovia)

By Doug Scott

  It’s finally feeling more like fall here in Atlanta…after a loooong, hot summer! As with any change of season, some folks are left wondering what they should be doing outside with their plants.  For me, yard work in the fall has a calmer cadence than it does…

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The Monrovia & RYG Connection - |

The Monrovia & RYG Connection

By Doug Scott

  On my post from earlier this week I shared a video I did with Monrovia on fall shrub care. I know, right? Little ole’ me…RYG… just trying to help others get outside more, working with Monrovia…the end-all-be-all of plant companies. Whhhhaatt?!? Monrovia & RYG So how did…

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How We’ve Redeemed Our Ground … and Will!

By Doug Scott

Winter is a unique time of year for those of us who enjoy spending a lot of time outside in our yards.  This is a common time for organizing our tools and cleaning things up, but it’s also a great opportunity to reflect over the past year’s projects,…

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Evergreen Cuttings…Underutilized Throughout the Year

By Doug Scott

Christmas seems like one of the only times of the year when people use evergreen cuttings inside their homes…and when I say evergreen I mean a landscape shrub or tree that stays green all year round…not just from a fir or spruce tree.   I guess one of the…

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ENO Double-Nest Hammock - Redeem Your Ground |

Last Minute Gift Ideas for Your Ground Redeemer

By Doug Scott

I once did a post on last minute gift ideas for your ground redeeming friends and family t … and was recently been asked if I was going to do it again. Well … the answer is, “I am.” Today. Right now. So keep reading. (By the way,…

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Why are my azalea leaves turning yellow? - Redeem Your Ground |

Why are my azalea leaves turning yellow?

By Doug Scott

Well it’s happening again … many of the leaves on my azaleas have turned yellow. So as I did last year, I’m briefly interrupting our holiday-related posts to re-post the answer to a question that I’ve had…and one that several of my clients have asked me recently … Why are my azalea…

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Quick & Easy Holiday Gift Embellishments & Décor – Bringing the “Outside In”

By Doug Scott

Helping families get outside at home more is at the core of what Redeem Your Ground is all about. But unfortunately, during this time of year it seems as if they’re fewer things drawing us outside – the weather is not as inviting, most flowers have stopped blooming,…

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How to Make a Magnolia Leaf Centerpiece | Redeem Your Ground -

How to Make a Magnolia Leaf Centerpiece

By Doug Scott

One of my favorite trees that graces our yard is a massive Southern Magnolia. She stands over 100’ tall and speaks to both the history of the South and our home’s previous owners. And not only is she the perfect home for our girls’ treehouse, her branches and…

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DIY Holiday Decor Using Evergreen Cuttings | Redeem Your Ground -

Using Cuttings from Your Yard to Bring the “Outside In” this Christmas

By Doug Scott

  Unfortunately many people limit their thoughts on cuttings from their yards to only mean colorful flowers – most of which bloom in the spring and summer. So once the temps turn cold, they put down their pruners and wait for the warmer months to come back around…

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How to Make a Holiday Chandelier | Redeem Your Ground -

How to Make a Holiday Chandelier

By Doug Scott

One of the things I love most about this time of year is how warm and inviting our house looks & feels once all of our decorations are up & on display.  Yes, the lights add that special glow and each ornament has a story to tell; but…

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Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas Gift Ideas … RYG Style!

By Doug Scott

Looking for last minute gift ideas for your ground redeeming friend or family member this Christmas? If so, we’ve come up with a few suggestions to help you out.* Hopefully these ideas will work…but if not, maybe they’ll at least get you thinking a bit. Regardless, you better get…

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“Well hello there!”…What’s Your Home Saying?

By Doug Scott

The entrance and approach to your home is your house’s way of greeting your guests.  Some houses do a great job at that, essentially saying “Hello…welcome, I’m so glad you’re here…we’ve been looking forward to seeing you.”  Others on the other hand say “Stay away…don’t bother me…I’m not…

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Garden Trends 2015 - Redeem Your Ground |

Garden Trends 2015

By Doug Scott

  Man…when we signed off at Christmas…saying that we’ll reconnect in the New Year, I had no idea that it would be over 3 weeks before we did. Sorry about that…but thanks. Our time away has been very good..and I hope yours was too. We had some great time together as a family…which was…

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3 Must-See Nature-Themed Time Lapse Videos - Redeem Your Ground |

3 Must-See Nature-Themed Time Lapse Videos

By Doug Scott

Needing a little inspiration myself, I came across a few nature-themed time lapse videos that are really incredible. So rather than keeping all the beauty and inspiration to myself I thought I’d share them with you…my fellow Ground Redeemers. And although they won’t make spring come any faster,…

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Family Roots Run Deep & Strong…

By Doug Scott

Not only did I come from a family who enjoys being outside…whether hunting in the woods or getting our fingers dirty in our yard, I was also fortunate to marry into one that does as well.  Some of my richest memories of childhood are of being outside with…

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The Potting Shed…a Solution of Function & Beauty

By Doug Scott

Earlier this week I introduced you to Brenda…my fast-talking, bigger-than-life mother-in-law…lover of her garden and all things beautiful.  Recently she took a trip to visit a friend out of town…and as you can tell by her post below, she was quite impressed by the beauty and functionality of…

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Getting Ready for Spring…Make the Most of It!

By Doug Scott

Now that the ice has melted (at least here in Atlanta) and all the love that could be spread on Valentine’s Day has been spread, you may be wondering how to best prepare your yard for what’s just around the corner…SPRING!  Of course you are.  Well I for…

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Gardening Themed Birthday Party

By Brittany Scott

So since I am STILL in birthday mode this week (see last week’s post if you missed my last birthday post)…I thought I’d share another great outside inspired birthday party from the past. When my Littlest One was turning five, we planned a gardening themed birthday party. In…

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February Gardening To-Do List - Redeem Your Ground |

February Gardening To-Do List

By Doug Scott

So it’s February. Not the ideal time to be outside in the garden. Sure…there are pockets of time you could enjoy being outside, but nothing’s really growing … and the weather isn’t typically cooperating. But February is the perfect month to get ready for what’s just around the…

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Spring Is Springing…Top 3 Early Spring Flowers

By Doug Scott

[Sorry for the delay in getting this post out.  A combination of Atlanta’s schizophrenic weather and my running around like a madman has left me in bed sick with some nasty crud. But without further a do…] Over the past few weeks, as the seasons are struggling to…

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Don’t Miss the Flowers of March

By Doug Scott

My walk around the yard yesterday and today’s beautiful weather got me out there again this morning…and this time I was struck by the beauty of 3 flowers in particular. One bursting with color – Forsythia. Another dainty and intricate – Loddon Lily. And finally, a graceful addition…

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Top 10 Tips for Landscape Design (Part 1 of 2)

By Doug Scott

Greetings fellow Ground Redeemers!  If your weather is as amazing as it is here in Atlanta, I’m certain you’re itching to get outside to enjoy your day…or to get some of the projects off your list so that you can enjoy the outdoors even more in the days…

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March Gardening To-Do's - Redeem Your Ground |

March Gardening To-Do List

By Doug Scott

Alright…it’s March and Spring is right around the corner! Woopwoop! That said…it’s time to get out there and get ready. Below you’ll find my March Gardening To-Do List. Hopefully you’ll find it helpful! 1. February Gardening To-Do’s Let’s be honest…you were probably a bit too aggressive when you…

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Flower Power 101: Top 4 Flower Gardening Tips ... Lady Bank's Rose - Redeem Your Ground |

Welcomed Signs of Spring

By Doug Scott

Spring has really started to show her stuff in our yard. Finally! We have a good bit of shade, so our plants always seem to take their own sweet time waking up from the long winter slumber. And although I’ve had the flu this week, I have ventured…

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Basic How-To’s for Planting Plants [Video for Exmark]

By Doug Scott

Long story…but a number of months ago I was asked to be the guy in front of the camera for some how-to videos being produced for the premier lawn mower company, Exmark (see below for more on Exmark). Never did I ever think that this Redeem Your Ground journey would land…

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Container Gardening 101 - Redeem Your Ground | & Unique by Design

Container Gardening 101…a la Helen Weis with Unique by Design

By Doug Scott

Oh the signs of Spring! And one of the surest signs of spring for me has to be the overwhelmed, bug-eyed expressions that I see on peoples’ faces in big box stores or plant nurseries…not knowing what to buy from the vast selection of flowers to choose from.…

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How to Protect Your Plants from Freeze Damage | Redeem Your Ground |

How to Protect Your Plants from a Spring Freeze

By Doug Scott

Well it won’t officially be spring for a week or so … but with the warm weather we’ve recently had, some of our plants are seemingly getting a head-start. I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that the Spring freeze in the forecast won’t do too much damage to…

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Amending Your Soil - Redeem Your Ground |

Clay Soil: How to Work with It & My Top 5 Plants

By Doug Scott

  There are few things that say Georgia more than red Georgia clay. Songs have been written about it and movies, like Gone with the Wind, have taken their cues from it. And for gardeners in the South, clay is just our reality. Although clay-rich soil poses some…

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Azalea Care Guide | How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Azaleas

By Doug Scott

Azaleas are perhaps one of the most popular shrubs found in garden design. Well, at least here in the South. Not only are they beautiful when in bloom and serve as a great backdrop when they’re not, they’re incredibly hardy, as well. And because they come in so…

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Our Staycation…Staying Close to Home for School Break

By Doug Scott

Now, I’ll say it upfront…I may be a bit jealous of my friends and family who are posting pics of their amazing Spring Break trips to beautiful beachside villas or dramatic snow-capped ski resorts.  But this year we decided to stay close to home and go on a…

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Top 10 Landscape Design Tips (Part 2 of 2)

By Doug Scott

Last week I laid out the first five of my Top 10 Landscape Design Tips … and today I’ll finish up with the other five. As I concluded last time, if you want more details on a specific point, let me know and I’ll focus a future post on…

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White Spring Flowers...Reeves' Spirea - Redeem Your Ground |

Crisp & Clean…White Spring Flowers

By Doug Scott

As I have mentioned on a previous post or two, I have a penchant for white flowers.  And there’s no better time of year to see some of my favorites on grand display than right now.  Whether if it’s the white Chinese Snowball Viburnum poofs weighing down its branches…or the…

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Lady Banks' Rose - Redeem Your Ground |

The Grand Lady Banks’ Rose

By Doug Scott

With all of the many flowers bursting at their seams with life and color this time of year, you’ll find more of my posts detailing out some of my favorites. Today’s spotlight flower is the Lady Banks’ Rose. I actually have very few roses in our outdoor spaces.…

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Anniversary Flowers - Redeem Your Ground |

Ground Redeeming Anniversary Gifts

By Brittany Scott

My Resident Gardener highlighted our beautiful Lady Banks’ Rose on RYGblog earlier this week.  Oh how I love her!  I love how she has created a lush canopy to welcome our guests.  I anticipate her beauty every spring as it is such a pinnacle moment when she blooms. …

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Container Gardening | Window Box - Redeem Your Ground |

The Window Box at My Back Porch…Before and “During”

By Doug Scott

In last week’s post (Container Gardening 101…a la Helen Weis…) I mentioned that not only had Helen so graciously shared some of her container garden magic with all of us…but personally, she gave me some suggestions as to what to put in a few of my container gardens…

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Southern Living Photo Shoot - Redeem Your Ground |

Strep Throat, Bronchitis, and Southern Living ®

By Doug Scott

Well…that’s probably the first time you’ve ever seen those three things on a list together. Clearly, “one of these things is not like the other” (more on that below). But what they all do have in common is that they’ve kept me from writing my weekly RYGblog posts.…

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Redeem Your Ground & Exmark | Types of Mulch |

Now’s the Time to Mulch and Here Are Some Options [Video for Exmark]

By Doug Scott

If your yard looks like mine did last week…it’s time to get to mulchin’! I can say that so easily because I mulched this past weekend!!! Woopwoop! Not only will a fresh layer of mulch help make your yard look all nice and purdy, mid to late spring…

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Flower Power 101: Top 4 Flower Gardening Tips ... Marigolds - Redeem Your Ground |

Flower Power 101: Top 4 Tips for Flower Gardening

By Doug Scott

There are few things that bring more life and beauty to an outdoor space than flowers. The more the merrier, right? They’re so versatile…bringing feelings of peace and tranquility, or an air of excitement and delight. It just depends on what you’re going for. With Spring now upon…

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Living Gifts - Redeem Your Ground |

Living Gifts that Keep Giving

By Brittany Scott

I’m on a gift-giving kick right now.  After writing last week’s post on ground redeeming Anniversary gifts I’ve been motivated and thinking about what I’m going to get my Resident Gardener for Father’s Day…in June!  But in the meantime I’ve also been gathering a few friends’ birthday gifts, end-of-the-year…

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How to Water Your Lawn - Redeem Your Ground |

Tips for Watering Your Lawn

By Doug Scott

I’m going to take a break from my deeper WHY redeem your ground posts to give you some helpful information on HOW you can redeem your ground.  And I mean quite literally…how to best water your lawn.  Given that it’s already getting into the mid-80s here, it’s something a…

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The Dirt on Dirt...Amending Your Soil - Redeem Your Ground |

Amending Your Soil …. the DIRT on Dirt!

By Doug Scott

I love dirt. I love the way it feels between my fingers and toes. I love the way it smells. I love what it represents. I love seeing it on my kids’ hands and faces because of what they’ve likely been up to. I just love dirt. But…

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The Basics of Amending Your Soil

By Doug Scott

Last week I posted on the different types of soil…and how clay-heavy soils and sand-heavy soils provide less than ideal growing conditions for your plants. And unfortunately most of us are dealing with one end of that soil spectrum or the other…which requires us to do more than…

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Nikko Blue Hydrangea...Fertilizing Basics - Redeem Your Ground |

Fertilizing Basics: The ABCs and NPKs of Fertilizer

By Doug Scott

A couple of weeks ago I started a series of posts on dirt…err, soil.  The first was on the basics of what soil is…your plants’ home and its food.   Last week I gave you some basics on why and how to amend your soil.  Today’s post I’m going…

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Inspiring Gardens...Howard Design Studio - Redeem Your Ground |

Inspiring Gardens

By Doug Scott

Sometimes I just want to be inspired by what I see…and not be distracted by someone blathering on about some deep thought or story.  So in an attempt to not distract you, I’ll simply include a number of images of gardens that have inspired me. But because I can’t…

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Spring Container Gardening Plant Combinations - Redeem Your Ground |

Plant Combinations for Spring Container Gardening

By Doug Scott

Last year I did a post with Helen Weis from Unique by Design on container gardening basics. And when I tell you it’s been our most popular post…that’s really an understatement. It’s gotten almost half of our pageviews over the past 12 months. Crazy! [Thanks again Helen…oh-wise-guru-of-all-things-container-gardening!!] Soooo….I…

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Chinese Snowball Viburnum ... the Perfect Mother's Day Gift - Redeem Your Ground |

Chinese Snowball Viburnum – the Perfect Mother’s Day Gift for Your Gardenin’ Mutha

By Doug Scott

Although a few weeks past her prime, the Chinese Snowball Viburnum that graces us with her presence as we drive down our driveway is one of our all-time favorite flowering shrubs. And apparently we’re not alone. We’ve had a number of friends ask … What’s that huge white…

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Herb Garden Basics ... Redeem Your Ground |

5 Great End-of-the-Year Teacher Gifts … RYG Style!

By Brittany Scott

  It’s hard to believe…but summer’s almost here. And actually…ours has already begun since Brown and Littlest One got out of school last week…whoop whoop!! That said, odds are if your kids are in grade school you’re probably looking for a thoughtful…yet inexpensive…end-of-the-year teacher gift.  So I wanted…

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Flower Power 101: Top 4 Flower Gardening Tips ... Creeping Jenny - Redeem Your Ground |

Walk This Way…Adding Paths to Your Landscape [Video for Exmark]

By Doug Scott

If you’re searching for your next weekend project to enhance the use and beauty of your yard, installing a path or walkway to connect two or more of your outdoor spaces is definitely something you should consider. Not only are they a great way to functionally connect the dots…

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Fertilizing Tips - Exmark & Redeem Your Ground | &

Fertilizing Basics [Video for Exmark]

By Doug Scott

Okay, truth be told I had hoped to get this post on fertilizing basics … Fertilizing 101 … out a month or so ago when it would have been more timely. But it’s amazing how a teensy kidney stone can put a kibosh on the best laid plans.…

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How to Prune Azaleas - Redeem Your Ground |

How to Prune Azaleas…and When!

By Doug Scott

A few months ago I wrote a post about some of my favorite white spring flowers.  If mine had been in bloom at the time, I would have also included the Mrs. G. G. Gerbing Azalea (Azalea Rhododendron indicum ‘Mrs. G. G. Gerbing’).  Because my G.G.s make up…

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Hydrangeas, Hydrangeas, Hydrangeas! All you need to know about Hydrangeas. Redeem Your Ground |

Hydrangeas, Hydrangeas, Hydrangeas! All You’ll Need to Know…for the most part!

By Doug Scott

We’re big fans of hydrangeas over here at casa de Scott. I mean what’s not to love about them?! They’re easy to grow. Their flowers are huge and come in a wide array of colors…so huge and so colorful that a single flower head can be a flower…

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Liquid Bliss – Water Features to Complement Your Outdoor Spaces

By Doug Scott

  There are few things that bring a sense of calm to a space like the tranquil sounds of bubbling water. But if that’s the only reason you’re considering adding a water feature to your landscape, think again. Water features bring so much more in the way of…

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Father's Day for the Gardening Dad - Redeem Your Ground & Monrovia | &

Father’s Day for the Gardening Dad

By Doug Scott

Gardening isn’t just a hobby for me – it’s a passion that both stirs me and grounds me…connecting me to nature’s honest rhythms and to what was best about my childhood. This deep love for the outdoors and gardening began when I was a boy… …transplanting perennials from…

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How to Prune Azaleas - Redeem Your Ground |

When should I prune my azaleas? NOW…and here’s why & how!

By Doug Scott

  Azaleas form the backbone of my backyard. Mrs. G. G. Gerbing Azaleas to be exact…I probably have over 100 of them. Some people ding azaleas for their short blooming season. But I’m good with that…because when mine are in bloom, my yard looks quite Shangri-La’esque if I…

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Eyesore Makeovers – Making Over What You Don’t Want to See!

By Doug Scott

  On the landscape design side of Redeem Your Ground, more often than not when I’m onsite with my clients they have some sort of outdoor eyesore, so to speak, that they want to address. Whether it’s to hide their trashcans, utility boxes, or views of their neighbor’s…

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Deer-Resistant Plants & Deer-Deterring Tips

By Doug Scott

Awww … isn’t Bambi cute!?! Well … that is until he and the rest of his family have laid waste to your garden! That’s not so cute! If your yard seems to be a frequent stop along the Deer Garden Tour, you’re in luck … well, relatively speaking.…

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