Liquid Bliss – Water Features to Complement Your Outdoor Spaces

There are few things that bring a sense of calm to a space like the tranquil sounds of bubbling water. But if that’s the only reason you’re considering adding a water feature to your landscape, think again. Water features bring so much more in the way of beauty and interest . . . not to mention the critters they attract. Fortunately, there are a number of watery options to choose from.
So, if you’re considering adding a water feature to your backyard, click on over to a post I did for Exmark, where I provide the ‘low-down’ on several different types of water features to choose from.
If you’re not familiar with Exmark, they are the mower manufacturer of mower manufacturers. You may recall some videos I did with Exmark as part of their “Done-in-a-Weekend” series that I’ve posted about recently. Exmark has recently moved into the residential mower space after being the leader in the professional-grade mower industry for over 35 years. Which means they are packing all their years of experience and know-how into manufacturing top-of-the-line mowers for the pros into their new line of residential mowers. So, if you have a home with 1+ acres of lawn to maintain, you might want to check them out.
Take care,
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