Posts Tagged ‘coop’
The new phonebook is here! The new phonebook is here! Well, not really…but our new Chicken eBook is!!!
Well, you may not be as excited as Navin R. Johnson* was to receive the new phonebook…or even excited at all to hear that our new Chicken eBook is here. But since we’ve been sharing our chicken stories here on RYGblog we’ve had a number of folks ask us to pull our posts together and share…
Read MoreLet There Be Light…String Lights!
If you’ve been reading RYGblog for anytime at all, you’ve probably heard me talk about “Scott Family Farm”…which is really just our side yard that we’ve redeemed from the waste of a space it used to be. (If you’re just tuning in and are interested in seeing more of what I’m talking about, check out…
Read MoreMy Top 5 Chicken Coop Designs
Now that spring is here and the weather finally seems to be cooperating, I’m chomping at the bit to get some of my projects outside underway. One area of our yard I’m going to focus on first is in and around our chicken coop…my ladies are needing just a bit more attention! So off to Pinterest…
Read MoreThe Real Truth about Raising Backyard Chickens
When I first started raising backyard chickens I really knew next to nothing. I knew what I wanted to get out of raising chickens, but beyond my vast experience at raising parakeets as a kid (which didn’t help much at all…surprise), I didn’t have a clue. Now, after having a whopping 1.5 years of experience…
Read MoreFrom “Land of the Lost” to “Scott Family Farm” … for Our Backyard Chickens
When thinking of how to describe what our side yard used to be like, I couldn’t help but think of one of my favorite childhood after-school TV shows – “The Land of the Lost”. While there were no Sleestaks nor close calls of being eaten by a dinosaur, it certainly was the part of our…
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