Posts Tagged ‘parenting’
What’s the Meaning of Labor Day?
I originally wrote this post about Labor Day back in 2014…when my girls looked so much younger…and I thought it was worth a re-post this year. To be honest, it wasn’t until recently that I really understood the meaning of Labor Day…I’ve always just thought of it as part of a 3-day weekend and the marker…
Read More“Slow Down” … by Nichole Nordeman
A dear friend shared this song with me recently and I wanted to share it with you. Although I’m certain that the target audience is moms, I think any parent…mom or dad…or anyone really, could get something out of it (i.e., I’m not turning in my “man card” for posting this!). It’s by Nichole Nordeman…
Read MoreI’m thankful for … cotton sheets
So for the past several weeks Britt and I have peppered y’all with fall and thankful themed posts…obviously because we’ve entered that time of year and it’s Thanksgiving week after all. I went a little science teacher on you with my post on why leaves change color…and Britt gave you some tasty pumpkin seed recipes…
Read MoreA Dad, His Boys, and Their Tree House
I’d like to introduce you to my great friend Jon…fellow daddy of 2 young kids and a guy who loves building things and getting outside as much as he can with his family. Being a master of almost any tool he can get his hands on and having a creative bent, Jon builds things that…
Read More15 Things All Dads of Daughters Should Know (by Justin Ricklefs)
All month I’ve been seeing this post shared on Facebook titled 15 Things All Dads of Daughters Should Know…but it wasn’t until my childhood best friend and fellow dad-of-a-daughter sent it to me directly that I read it. And as a dad of 2 amazing daughters…if I do say so myself…it really hit me right between the…
Read MoreThe Vital Importance of Outdoor Play for Our Kids
If you’ve only read our posts on gardening or chickens you may have missed the fact that the primary reason that Britt and I embarked on this RYG journey was to help get people outside more at home…to connect with their family, friends, neighbors, and nature. We believe that when you do that your life…
Read MoreDo you know where your kids are?
As I was starting out on this whole redeem your ground journey, I was told by two completely unrelated people that I should read “The Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder” by Richard Louv. And I’m so glad that they did. It’s a great read – it’s thought-provoking and for…
Read MoreWhat’s Your Family Story?
There are few things that move me more than music. Sometimes a song will just send me somewhere. And you can call me a sap, but “The House that Built Me” is one of those songs. Although Miranda Lambert didn’t write it, her performance and the words that writers Tom Douglas & Allen Shamblin penned,…
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