Vegetable Garden Basics: Part 2 – Raised Beds Pros & Cons

Advantages and Disadvantages of Raised Beds - Redeem Your Ground | RYGblog &

Alright… in Part 1 of my Vegetable Garden Basics series, I answered the first question you should ask when starting your very own family vegetable garden…Where should I put it? Today I’m going to try to answer the next question…Should I build raised beds … or just plant my veggies directly in the ground? Should I…

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Material Options for Raised Beds

Fall Vegetable Garden - Redeem Your Ground |

One of the most common questions I hear from first-time veggie gardeners who have their minds set on growing their veggies in raised beds is…What material should I use to build them? This is largely borne out of a concern for the chemicals used to treat pressure treated (PT) wood…since that’s what’s often used for…

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February Gardening To-Do List

February Gardening To-Do List - Redeem Your Ground |

So it’s February. Not the ideal time to be outside in the garden. Sure…there are pockets of time you could enjoy being outside, but nothing’s really growing … and the weather isn’t typically cooperating. But February is the perfect month to get ready for what’s just around the corner. Spring! So here’s what I have…

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Tower Garden ® vs. Raised Beds

Veggie Garden Diversification with the Tower Garden - Redeem Your Ground |

Well a few weeks back I wrote a post about how I was “diversifying” my veggie gardening efforts by adding a Tower Garden® right alongside our raised beds.  On that post I provided the reasons why I WASN’T going down this Tower Garden ® (TG) path…although some people do it for these very reasons… to…

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