Planting Your Fall Vegetable Garden…Get On It!

Fall Vegetable Garden - Redeem Your Ground |

Planting my fall vegetable garden always sneaks up on me…and this year is no different. So in the next couple of days I’m going to try to jump out from behind the eight-ball…clear-out my very spent summer flowers & veggies…finally…and get my fall veggies in the ground. And if you’re planning to have a fall…

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Material Options for Raised Beds

Fall Vegetable Garden - Redeem Your Ground |

One of the most common questions I hear from first-time veggie gardeners who have their minds set on growing their veggies in raised beds is…What material should I use to build them? This is largely borne out of a concern for the chemicals used to treat pressure treated (PT) wood…since that’s what’s often used for…

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March Gardening To-Do List

March Gardening To-Do's - Redeem Your Ground |

Alright…it’s March and Spring is right around the corner! Woopwoop! That said…it’s time to get out there and get ready. Below you’ll find my March Gardening To-Do List. Hopefully you’ll find it helpful! 1. February Gardening To-Do’s Let’s be honest…you were probably a bit too aggressive when you came up with your February gardening to-do list.…

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Starting from Seeds – 3 Key Resources

Starting from Seeds - Redeem Your Ground |

Greetings fellow Veggie Garden Ground Redeemers! Even if the weather outside doesn’t seem to be screaming “get outside in the garden”, if you’re considering starting your veggies from seeds this year … time’s-a-tickin’. Although we’ve used seedlings the past several years, we started our very first veggie garden by sowing seeds inside. And although it…

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February Gardening To-Do List

February Gardening To-Do List - Redeem Your Ground |

So it’s February. Not the ideal time to be outside in the garden. Sure…there are pockets of time you could enjoy being outside, but nothing’s really growing … and the weather isn’t typically cooperating. But February is the perfect month to get ready for what’s just around the corner. Spring! So here’s what I have…

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Garden Trends 2015

Garden Trends 2015 - Redeem Your Ground |

  Man…when we signed off at Christmas…saying that we’ll reconnect in the New Year, I had no idea that it would be over 3 weeks before we did. Sorry about that…but thanks. Our time away has been very good..and I hope yours was too. We had some great time together as a family…which was really nice and much needed. We also spent a…

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Tower Garden ® vs. Raised Beds

Veggie Garden Diversification with the Tower Garden - Redeem Your Ground |

Well a few weeks back I wrote a post about how I was “diversifying” my veggie gardening efforts by adding a Tower Garden® right alongside our raised beds.  On that post I provided the reasons why I WASN’T going down this Tower Garden ® (TG) path…although some people do it for these very reasons… to…

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Veggie Garden Diversification…The Tower Garden ®

Tower Garden vs Raised Beds - Redeem Your Ground |

I’ve already gotten one almost visceral “What?!?” response from a fellow veggie garden buddy when I told him that I was going to try my hand at growing veggies using a new-fangled approach to gardening. And when I say new-fangled, I mean that there’s no dirt…which seems crazy to me! But still…I’m entering the world…

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Tips for Growing Tomatoes

Tips for Growing Tomatoes - Redeem Your Ground |

Whether your veggie garden consists of a single pot or vast acreage…or whether you’re a veggie garden beginner or a seasoned veggie veteran, odds are that tomatoes are a part of this summer’s harvest. Like my other posts on gardening how-to’s, there’s so much more to know…but understanding the following tips for growing tomatoes really…

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