The CSA Cookbook by Linda Ly … The Perfect Gift for Your Resident Gardener or Cook!

Alright family gift-givers I have a gift idea for you that your resident gardeners or cooks are sure to love. It’s The CSA Cookbook by Linda Ly. I got it for Britt…my resident cook, but I’m not certain who is going to like it more – Britt, me (err…I), our girls, or whoever we have over for dinner.
As the cover states, what you can expect on its visually tasty pages are “no-waste recipes for cooking your way through a Community Supported Agriculture box, farmer’s market, or backyard bounty.” (And for those of you who don’t know, CSA = Community Supported Agriculture.)
So the very cool twist on Linda’s vegetable-based recipes is that she shows you how to use every part of the plant…yep, every part. When you get your copy, make sure to read the preface where Linda shares her story as to how and why she started cooking this way…long before farm-to-table and having an urban garden were cool.
To learn more about Linda and her cookbook, check out this inspiring trailer she produced.
Some of the recipes we’re looking forward to tasting ourselves are: Minted Citrus Spring Peas, Balsamic-Roasted Green Beans, Sweet Potato Spears with Mustard and Thyme, Zucchini Crisps, Heirloom Tomato Galette with Tomato Leaf Pesto, Gingered Butternut Bisque, and Sweet Potato Soup. Honestly, there are too many to list…so you’ll just need to get your own copy to see and taste for yourself.
Not only does Linda share a ton of amazing recipes, she also has a chapter chock-full of incredibly helpful information on how to best utilize the ingredients and tools found in your kitchen & pantry. And if you don’t have some of them, you’ll probably want to start making a list.
And if that’s not enough…I’m certain that you’ll enjoy simply flipping through The CSA Cookbook’s pages looking at some of the most delicious photographs…all shot by Linda’s hubby, Will Taylor. This cookbook is so beautiful that there is no way we will shove it on a shelf…but rather, we’ll keep it on our kitchen counter or coffee table for all the world to see and enjoy.
And finally, a brief word about Linda. We’ve never met, but I’ve followed her blog Garden Betty for some time…and we’ve traded a few emails. And what I’ve found, besides being incredibly talented on a number of fronts, Linda is full of life and loves adventure & beauty…so much so, that she wants to do whatever it takes to share it with others.
So jump on over to Garden Betty, check out Linda’s inspiring posts…and while you’re at it, grab a copy of her amazing cookbook – The CSA Cookbook.
I have no doubt that you’ll be glad you did…as will anyone fortunate enough to taste what you’ve crated from its pages.
Take care friends,
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Great review! I also love LInda’s cookbook. I’ve met her a few times and she’s just the sweetest, nicest woman you could hope to meet- and super passionate about what she writes about. I was fortunate enough to hear her speak recently at the Mother Earth News Fair and highly recommend it if you can swing it. She’s a great speaker as well!
Hey Lisa…thanks for chiming in with your love of Linda and her cookbook. I thought y’all’s paths had crossed in the past…being blogging royalty and all! I hope you’re well. Take care my friend, D.