Auntie’s Fried Apples Recipe…Absolutely the Best!

Auntie’s Fried Apples Recipe…Absolutely the Best!
Although Auntie wasn’t officially my grandmother, she did raise my dad. And besides that, she fit the bill of the quintessential little ole granny in every way imaginable. She was small, sweet…but still a bit spunky, had white hair, really thick glasses, dentures, and would only wear dresses…mostly with some sort of flowered print. And the two things that she was really, really good at were…loving me and my family deeply…and cooking us incredible meals. Man could she cook!

Auntie & Me…in all my 80s poofy-haired, brace-faced glory
Born in 1901 and growing up on a farm in Kentucky she really didn’t concern herself with all the things we do these days food-wise. She used buckets of sugar, a ton of real butter, globs of bacon grease, and a good bit of salt in every one of her meals. And despite all that, she lived to be 100. Go figure!
We looked forward to an “Auntie meal” at least once or twice a month. Her table was literally piled high with a tasty…mono-chromatically brown roast, fresh veggies and fruits, loads of side dishes, breads, and amazing desserts. She made sure to always serve everyone’s favorite dish at each meal. Everyone had one…and mine was her fried apples with slices of cheddar cheese.
So with all of that set-up…and the fact that it’s apple pickin’ season, I thought I’d share Auntie’s fried apples recipe with you.
Fried Apples Recipe Ingredients
- 10 Macintosh apples (or Granny Smith…or whatever your favorites are)
- 3 tablespoons of bacon grease
- ½ teaspoon of salt
- ⅓ cup sugar
- Block of sharp cheddar cheese
Fried Apples Recipe Instructions
- Peel apples…or not. Auntie would only peel off the green skins…leaving the red to rosy everything up. Your choice…but know if you do keep the skins on you’ll likely want to pick them out before serving.
- Wash and cut apples into slices…making sure to get rid of the core and any seeds.
- Heat bacon grease in a pot big enough to handle your 10 sliced apples.
- Place apples in the pot.
- Sprinkle salt and sugar over the apples.
- Cover and simmer for 20+ minutes or until the red color infuses the apples (if you left the skins on).
- Uncover and continue to cook on low until it thickens into some bubblin’ sweet goodness…which will be approximately another 10 minutes.
- The downside to leaving the peals on is that at this point you will need to pick them out with a fork…making sure to leave as much of the fruit that you can behind.
- Serve with slices of sharp cheddar cheese…and best if still warm, since it helps soften the cheese and feels great going down.
When Auntie made her fried apples, the apple slices stayed intact. Mine always seem to turn into mush…more like applesauce, but they still taste amazing.
Now I have to be honest with you, Britt’s not a huge fan of Auntie’s fried apples. She thinks they’re too sweet…which doesn’t even make sense to me. But whatever…that just means there’s more for me!
If you’d like a 1-page print-out of Auntie’s tasty fried apples recipe, click here.
I hope you enjoy them.
Take care,
PS: Coincidentally…really, today is Auntie’s birthday. She would have been 114.
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