Redeem Your Ground…The Video

Earlier today, as the sun finally shone through after some very gray days, I closed my laptop and took a walk through my yard…stopping to breathe it all in. I was excited to see the hostas and peonies starting to break through the ground…my G.G. Gerbing azaleas promising a sea of white in a matter of weeks…and the lime green hydrangea leaf buds dotting their stalks. I was also very happy and proud to see that my spring veggie garden is still fully intact…I guess all my “territory marking” has done the job at warding off all those fluffy tailed vermin! I needed to see all that…the evidence of new life on the verge of bursting through. My yard has definitely seen its better day…so this evidence of spring gave me hope and glimpses of all that would take place back there in the months to come.
The time in my backyard today also reminded me of a weekend last summer when 40 of my closest friends, my family, and I ran around staging scenes of “good times outside”…while trying to look natural…all for the making of the Redeem Your Ground video. Those thoughts gave me more hope for the days and weeks to come. I thought you might need the same kind of pick-me-up. If so, and you haven’t seen the video and would like to, simply click on the image below and take a few minutes to dream of…and plan for …the sunnier, warmer days to come.
I’ve also lifted the copy from our website introducing the RYG Video to provide you a little more background.
When we launched Redeem Your Ground │ Exterior Design Studio, we wanted to creatively differentiate ourselves from other landscape design firms. While most firms do a great job at selling the what (e.g., plants and firepits), RYG is all about the why – why our clients want to invest in their yard in the first place and how they want to live at home. That’s how we’re different. We want to first discover each of our clients’ why’s, uniquely capture that through intentional design…and then use plants, firepits or whatever else to make their why’s come to life. This video is one of the ways we are trying to share that vision.
Our hope is that the video evokes memories of your childhood…carefree summer days playing in the backyard, while inspiring hopeful dreams for your family’s future. We’ve included it here on the RYGblog to simply get you thinking about how you and your family could redeem your ground at home. Regardless of who you hire to do it or if you do it yourself, we just want to help you start moving in that direction.
A GREAT BIG THANKS to our buddy Joe Braun ( – who so graciously gave of his time and talents to produce this video. And to our many friends who spent the day with us hanging out in our backyard…trying to act natural – even if they had a camera staring at them. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
So what do you think? Did it bring back childhood memories of climbing in trees and not caring if you got your shoes muddy? Did you start thinking about how your house could be more of a home by capturing and redeeming some of your outdoor spaces? I hope so.
Looking forward to the days to come,
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Doug, that was awesome! It was especially fun to see these big kids who looked a lot like some adorable little babies i once knew! When y’all get ready to do an Extreme Makeover – Yard Edition, give us a holler. We might know of just the right yard to show off your Landscape Design Prowess.
Thanks Gina! It was a lot of fun making the video…particularly with all those BIG kids you referenced. I’d be honored to help y’all redeem your ground. Just say the word. Take care, D.