RYG’s Gonna Be On TV Y’all!

Probably as is the case with you, these past few months have been a blur at casa de Scott. With all the end-of-school festivities and summertime activities it’s hard to believe that it’s already the middle of July and school’s going to start in just a few weeks! Crazy.
One thing that has definitely added to our blur this summer is getting ready for and the filming of an episode of Growing a Greener World®!
That’s right. Our backyard transformation and journey to start Redeem Your Ground® is going to be on TV! We’ll be featured in the first episode of Growing a Greener World’s® 8th season! How cool is that?! We are so humbled and honored by this opportunity. Again, crazy!
If you’re not familiar with Growing a Greener World® (GGWtv) and you’re in any way interested in gardening and living a healthy lifestyle…you should really get yourself familiar with it. GGWtv is an award-winning television show broadcast on national public television all over the U.S. and abroad.
GGWtv features stories on organic gardening, green living, farm-to-table food, and environmental landscape design. Each episode focuses on inspirational people and their compelling efforts to make a positive impact on the world. And the cool thing is, their stories are presented in a way that helps people like you and me make a difference at home. [Insert humility gulp here to have our family featured alongside these folks!]
So if you’ve never seen an episode of GGWtv, please check them out here. Not only will you be able to watch their past shows, you’ll also find a ton of really helpful information on organic and flower gardening, landscaping and so much more…like access to some really great, garden-inspired recipes.
When will you be able to see the RYG episode on GGWtv…you might ask? Unfortunately you’ll have to wait until Spring 2017. Not certain when exactly…but I’ll let you know when I do.
And on what channel can you find GGWtv? Well it depends on where you live. To find out click on this link …and there you’ll find a handy-dandy tool where you simply enter your zip code and voila…you’ll find all you need to know.
Ironically, although GGWtv is headquartered in Atlanta it doesn’t air here. But all is not lost. As I mentioned above, you can always find all of their episodes online…right here. Again, I’ll let you know when the RYG episode goes live.
Anyway, the filming experience was awesome. Yes…it took a lot of work to spit-shine our yard to be worthy of being featured on GGWtv. But it was great, even with the 200 degree temps we had those days!
GGWtv Executive Producer & Host, Joe Lamp’l, and Director of Photography extraordinaire, Carl Pennington, clearly know their stuff and are passionate about all things green. And besides that, they’re a ton of fun to work with. So much so that we ended our days of filming with a tasty garden-fresh dinner and s’mores (the healthy kind!)…with all of our families. And it was all captured on film.
I’ll end there. But before I do, I want to say thanks to you. Seriously. Thank you for your support and encouragement over the past few years along this RYG journey of ours! We can’t thank you enough.
So as they say in TV land…stay tuned! Stay tuned until this Spring when you can see and hear more about our backyard transformation and how & why we launched Redeem Your Ground®…all on Growing a Greener World®.
Take care friends,
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We are so proud of you guys! You are making a difference in so many people’s lives! Sharing your amazing ideas and tips on how to Redeem Your Ground! We cannot wait to see the upcoming episode! We may need to plan a “house party” to let all our friends watch too! Congrats! You deserve it! Lots of love, The Garretts!
Thanks Severin! So appreciate you oh-so-kind words…and y’all’s support all along the RYG way! And a “house party” sounds fun…no matter the occasion…especially at the Garrett Home! Thanks again and take care, D. (and B., A.K., & M.)