How to Prune Hydrangeas…and When

How to Prune Hydrangeas - Redeem Your Ground | (PeeGee Hydrangea)

Several weeks ago I started a series of posts on one of everyone’s favorite landscape shrubs…the loverly hydrangea. I started with defining and describing the different types of hydrangeas…and next how to plant hydrangeas.  Today I’m going to continue along the hydrangea path with answering one of the most common questions I get from friends and family…How do you prune…

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Hydrangea – Quick Reference Guide

5 Must Have Shrubs with White Flowers (Annabelle Hydrangeas) - Redeem Your Ground |

Based on the positive feedback I received from some of my fellow ground redeemers, instead of burying the Quick Reference Guide to Common Landscape Hydrangeas at the end of the post where some folks might miss it…I’m giving it a post all to itself. So if you did miss it and want to download and print it off……

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