Top Christmas Movies

Merry Christmas everyone! And if your family is anything like mine…after all the presents are opened and you’ve gorged yourself on candy and food you might want to sit semi-comatose and watch a Christmas movie.
Okay, I know…you’re probably saying to yourself, “What’s so ground redeeming about watching a Christmas movie”. I get it. However…Britt would suggest that there’s a great deal of family time redeemed when we’re all piled up under a blanket eating popcorn and semi-melted M&Ms together…watching a Christmas movie…or any move for that matter. And in that respect, I would have to agree with her.
Nor am I a movie critic. So my Top Christmas Movies claim is really just according to me…a tepid movie-goer at best…who did not inherent the movie-quoting-gene. So take it for what it’s worth.
But with all that said, since it’s raining outside and our girls are home from school…watching Christmas movies is what’s on my mind. So I thought I’d share the movies we’ve either already watched or will likely watch over Christmas break. And although not a surprising list of movies, perhaps it will spark you to pop some corn and redeem a little family time of your own.
[Disclaimer: Not all the movies listed are appropriate for kids…and I know that’s different for every family. So I’ve linked each of the movies to the rating/write-up page on Kids-In-Mind or Common Sense Media (neither of which I am affiliated in any way)…so you can make the call for yourself.]
Top 5 Christmas Movies – According to Yours Truly
A Christmas Story [PG, 1983]
Christmas wouldn’t be complete without at least one reference to Ralphie’s Red Ryder air rifle from A Christmas Story. And last year…that was actually the only thing on my Christmas list…a pellet gun…so that I could take care of all the vermin going to town on my veggie garden. And although not as storied of a tale…like Ralphie, my Christmas wish came true…much to many-a-squirrels’-chagrin! [Common Sense Media review]
Home Alone [PG, 1990]
We watched Home Alone earlier this week…and it was actually the first time we’d ever seen it as a family. Although there were several scenes where Britt and I made eyes with each other…wondering if Brown or Littlest One caught whatever was on screen (we’re admittedly and unapologetically a bit old-school when it comes to that kind of thing), Home Alone is still a Christmas classic. [Common Sense Media review]
Elf [PG, 2003]
I’m a big fan of Will Ferrell….and I certainly wasn’t disappointed when we watched Elf this year the weekend that we decorated for Christmas. Judge us if you must…but whether it’s giving us more cowbell or wearing green tights, Will Ferrell always gets a good laugh out of all four Scotts. [Kids-in-Mind review]
Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas [PG, 2000]
I grew up looking forward to watching the classic animated version How the Grinch Stole Christmas every year. I’d watch it over and over again if I was allowed to. So given that…and my penchant for goofy humor (see Will Ferrell above), it’s no surprise that the updated version of The Grinch starring Jim Carrey is one of my top Christmas movies of all times. [Kids-in-Mind review]
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation [PG-13, 1989]
One of the things I loved about Britt when we first started dating was her desire to keep certain family traditions…while making some of our own. And watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation was one of the family traditions Britt’s dad brought to the table. It seems that no matter how many times you see it, there’s just something about watching a squirrel wreaking havoc on the Griswold’s Christmas shindig and Cousin Eddie wearing his shorty robe while emptying his RV’s toilet that makes you laugh. Our girls haven’t been brought into this tradition yet…but I’m sure they’ll get a kick out of it too. Again, judge me if you must. (Common Sense Media review)
Honorable Mentions – Kids
Although they didn’t make it into my Top 5, here are a few other great kid-friendly Christmas movies.
- The Polar Express [G, 2003]…watched this one last night (Kids-in-Mind review)
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas [UR, 1966] (Common Sense Media review)
- The Santa Clause [PG, 1994]…watched this one last week (Kids-in-Mind review)
- Frosty the Snowman [G, 1969] (Common Sense Media review)
- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer [G, 1964] (Common Sense Media review)
Honorable Mentions – Classics
And finally, whether you’re from Generation Y, a Millennial…Baby-Boomer, from the Greatest Generation…or somewhere in between…there are some Christmas movies that have and will never go out of style.
- It’s a Wonderful Life [PG, 1946] (Common Sense Media review)
- Miracle on 34th Street [UR, 1947] (Common Sense Media review)
- A Christmas Carol (originally Scrooge) [UR, 1951] (Common Sense Media review)
So there are my Top Christmas Movies. What are yours? I’d love to add them to the Scott Family must-see Christmas movie list.
Merry Christmas to all!
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Maybe also “The Nightmare Before Christmas”? 🙂
Agreed…a classic Christmas movie…and classic Tim Burton! Thanks for chiming in Joan. Take care, D.