What’s Your Story?

Do you have the kind of friend who will really tell you like it is? Not in a jerky kind of way…well because that’s not a friend, that’s a jerk. No, I mean the kind of friend who will speak into your life in a critical, yet life-giving kind of way. I do…in fact I’m blessed with a number of them. Well earlier this week I was having lunch with one of those friends…we were really just catching up…and catching up with me means you’re hearing about what I’m trying to do with Redeem Your Ground. Because of something he’d said earlier in the conversation, I asked him to clarify a bit. Now these are my words not his…he essentially said that he had lost interest in my story…or at least the story that was being told on RYGblog.
Again, those are my words and not his. He’s a big picture guy and I knew that he wasn’t meaning my personal story…but he was trying to help me consider what story…or really, stories…could be told on RYGblog that would help people get more engaged with life so that they would be inspired to live the lives that they really desire to live deep down. And not to wait until some tragic event happens that finally wakes them up…because that would suck and frankly may never happen. I really appreciate what my friend said…especially now that I’ve had time to consider it further.
You see…if you haven’t noticed…story is a big part of RYGblog. I want Britt’s and my story of making the tough decisions to follow our passions, dreams, and convictions so that our family story…the story being told in our home, is one that our daughters will engage enough in to find and follow their passions, dreams, and convictions. If we don’t…they very likely won’t either. It’s also our hope that our story and our passion for helping and inspiring other families to connect with each other outside will cause them to pause long enough to consider their stories and passions so that they too will make those tough decisions. I know I’m really laying it on thick here…with a lot of run-on sentences. Sorry. Well, not really.

A sketch from Littlest One…I think she’s getting our story.
So…What’s your story? We all have one. Please share it. Ideally with me so that I can share it with others so that they might start living a more compelling story. But if not with me, share it with someone. Real stories of personal triumph…no matter how big or how small…are incredibly powerful, particularly in today’s shallow tabloid-crazed world. Tell yours. Why did you start living differently…what caused your change? How did you overcome those seemingly formidable odds? What’s life like now? Tell your story…it will undoubtedly affect someone’s life.
If you don’t think you have a story that’s worthy of telling…well, that stinks. Really…it does. But I doubt that’s true. We all have a story in us that’s wanting…needing to be told. Tell it.
I agree with Mark Bezos, firefighter and TED talk speaker, when he says…“Don’t wait to make a difference in someone’s life…if you have something to give, give it now. Serve food in a soup kitchen. Clean up a neighborhood park. Be a mentor. Not every day is going to offer us a chance to save someone’s life, but every day offers us the opportunity to affect one. So get in the game…save the shoes.” (Watch the video and you’ll see what this random shoes reference is all about.)
I hope you’ll join us and get in the game too.
Take care,
PS: By the way, Britt and I are still going to write posts like the ones we’ve done on our chicken coop and how to make a burlap wreath…believing that they too motivate and equip others to live more fully at home with family, friends, and neighbors. But we are also going to try to share others’ stories that inspire you even more. We feel life’s too short not to…and besides, I’m tired of hearing about me. So we’d love to share yours…seriously, you…we’d love to share your story. It can be as simple as a craft you did with your kids or as profound as overcoming some tragic event in your life. Both will impact somebody…so tell your story. Or share someone else’s story that’s affected you and keep their story going. If you’re bold enough take me up on this challenge…simply go to our Share Your Story page and fill out the form. We’d greatly appreciate it…as I’m sure others will too. – Take care, D.
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We have quite a passion for stories as well. Perhaps someday we will serve some of your folks who have stories to share.
YupYup! That would be great my friend! Take care Mr. Todd! – D.