“Slow Down” … by Nichole Nordeman

A dear friend shared this song with me recently and I wanted to share it with you. Although I’m certain that the target audience is moms, I think any parent…mom or dad…or anyone really, could get something out of it (i.e., I’m not turning in my “man card” for posting this!).
It’s by Nichole Nordeman and is called “Slow Down.” If you haven’t heard it or seen the video…take a few minutes to right now…just click on the image below. I think you’ll be glad that you did. But be prepared…it may bring a tear or two to your eyes. Or more. [And in case you want to read along while listening, I’ve posted the lyrics at the bottom of this post.]
Pass the tissues…right?
Anyway…the images on the video were quickly replaced in my heart and mind by memories of Brown as a chunky brown-eyed nugget…who is now a friggin’ long-legged teenager. And of Littlest One as a fluffy-haired imp…who is now not-so-little and is going into the 5th grade. Stop already! [And yes…we do need to update our family pic over there on the right.]
At the heart of this song is a suggestion to slow down…fueled by that feeling that we get as parents when we look back over the lives of our kids…that helpless feeling of…“oh, how time flies by”. I’ve even found myself this past year telling my younger friends who are dads…“Don’t blink…because before you know it…yours will look like mine!” Man…when did I become the old guy doling out parenting advice?
Regardless, this suggestion to slow down is at the heart of Redeem Your Ground as well. It’s this kind of connecting…this kind of pausing… these kind of memories…that we’re trying to encourage.
And although Nichole Nordeman’s lyrics are directed to her children, after reading her post on the song, she’s really telling herself to slow down. To make memories while she can…while her kids are still at home. That most of the busyness of life…that seemingly can’t wait…really can wait. And what truly can’t wait…time…won’t wait.
So she’s just encouraging us to not only pause and appreciate the big deals in life…first words, first steps, new schools, graduations, new jobs, new homes, marriages, and goals met…but also some of the tiny things in life as well. Tiny things that are happening all around us every day. Every day.
Honestly…the last thing I want to happen is for my memory video reel to consist primarily of boring meetings, deadlines, to-do lists…where my family is all but absent…or worse yet, social media feeds of other people’s lives! Yes, we have to live responsibly…to plan and provide for our families…but not at the expense of our families. Right?
Instead, I want my family to have the starring roles in my memory video reel…and for it to be filled with adventure…giggles & belly aching laughter…sweet, quiet times & impromptu dance parties…silly faces & rich conversation…skipping through the tulips (literally and figuratively) & pressing through difficulty, challenge, and change. All filled with purpose, meaning, and love.
And the only way that I know how to do that is to slow down…as difficult as that is at times…to slow the heck down. And when I do, I find that my heart and my mind are calibrated to those things that I really want out of life…those things that really matter.
What about you?
And one other thing…I want to close by saying, neither Nichole (at least I don’t think so) nor I are trying to guilt anyone to do anything different…or saying that parenting is easy or that it’s something you should enjoy every minute of. Heck, parenting is tough…really tough. But…I can at least say for myself, I all too often let some great gifts pass me by either because I’m zooming past them or am distracted by something less important. And that’s unfortunate for everyone. That’s all.
Take care friends,
“Slow Down”
by Nichole Nordeman
Here’s to you…you were pink or blue…and everything I wanted.
Here’s to you…never sleeping through from midnight till the morning.
Had to crawl before you walked, before you ran.
Before I knew it…you were trying to free your fingers from my hand…
‘Cause you could do it on your own now.
Slow down.
Won’t you stay here a minute more?
I know you want to walk through the door.
But it’s all too fast.
Let’s make it last a little while.
I pointed to the sky and now you wanna fly.
I am your biggest fan.
I hope you know I am.
But do you think you can somehow…
Slow down?
Here’s to you…every missing tooth, every bedtime story.
Here’s to Barbie cars, light saber wars, sleeping in on Sunday.
Had to crawl before you walked, before you ran.
Before I knew it you were teaching me the only thing love can…
Hold hands through it…
When it’s scary, you’ve got me.
Slow down.
Won’t you stay here a minute more?
I know you want to walk through the door.
But it’s all too fast.
Let’s make it last a little while.
I pointed to the sky and now you wanna fly.
I am your biggest fan.
I hope you know I am.
But do you think you can somehow…
Slow down?
Please don’t roll your eyes at me.
I know I’m embarrassing.
But someday you’ll understand.
You’ll hold a little hand…ask them if they can…
I am your biggest fan.
I hope you know I am.
But do you think you can…somehow…slow down?
Slow down?
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Great post. Awesome song. “Honestly… the last thing I want to happen is for my memory video reel to consist primarily of boring meetings, deadlines, to-do lists…where my family is all but absent…or worse yet, social media feeds of other people’s lives!” Oh my goodness yes! And, thanks for the reminder!
Thanks for your words B! So true…but still not easy…unfortunately. I hope you and yours are well my friend. Take care, D.
Still great song, poignant lyrics. With my grown kids, find myself replaying my parenting memory tape over & over. Hopefully, correcting my absentee parenting moments and instilling the corrections into my grandson’s life.
You’re right on about the corporate rat-race, never satisfies.
Unfortunately, we’re too soon old ~ too late smart!!
Thanks Doug…couldn’t agree more. And love what you said…”Unfortunately, we’re too soon old – too late smart!!” Just trying to be intentional with whatever “smarts” I have at the time…whatever the age. Take care and I hope you have a nice week, D.