3 Ways to Bring More Thanks to Thanksgiving this Year

Given that it’s Thanksgiving week we thought we’d share a few ideas that might not only encourage a more thankful cadence to things around your house this week, but may also give you something to do while your kids are home for break.
Hope you enjoy them…Gobble-Gobble!
1. The Thankful Tree | RedeemYourGround.com
This activity…The Thankful Tree…Britt did a post on a few years back and you can find it here on RYGblog. It’s a great and creative way to encourage creativity and a thankful spirit around your home.
Although it may take a bit more prep than the other 2 ideas, I think those of you with pre-school and elementary school aged kids will find this activity particularly enjoyable.
2. Thanksgiving Table Talk | MamaBearApp.com
Similar to The Thankful Tree, this crafty Thanksgiving-themed DIY project will be sure to up-the-thanks in your home…specifically around the dinner table. And it’s really very simple…all you need to do is create a conversation jar that prompts open-ended questions that help get things started.
Check out this post I found on MamaBearApp.com for all the details…and let the literal thanks-giving come forth! [And by the way, you can use the conversation jar throughout the year…switching out the questions depending on the time of year.]
3. Thanksgiving Day Walk | NextAvenue.org
After you’ve wiped your mouth of green bean casserole and pumpkin pie, you can roll your stuffed self outside and go for a walk. Not only will this give you the opportunity to keep the thankful conversations going, you can do your body good by burning off some of those 1,000s of calories you’ve just consumed.
It’s suggested that the average American consumes almost twice as many calories on Thanksgiving than they need on a typical day. In addition to a brisk walk, check out these other creative, post-meal, calorie-burning activities on NextAvenue.org.
I hope that Thanksgiving is marked by a more thankful time around your dinner table this year. Taking the time to consider what we do have to be thankful for is often all it takes to move the conversation and the tone around your home in the right direction.
Happy Thanksgiving my friends,
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