My Top 5 Chicken Coop Designs

Now that spring is here and the weather finally seems to be cooperating, I’m chomping at the bit to get some of my projects outside underway. One area of our yard I’m going to focus on first is in and around our chicken coop…my ladies are needing just a bit more attention! So off to Pinterest I went to not only get a bit of inspiration, but some how-to information as well. So I thought I’d pass some of what I found…what I would consider, my Top 5 Chicken Coop Designs.
There are a ton pics of chicken coops pinned all over Pinterest…but I have found that many of them are just that – just pictures. So I’ve weeded through everything and only included those chicken coops that are both attractive and highly functional…but the information provided on the accompanying blogs is incredibly helpful as well.
1.Chez Poulet –
From both a style and functionality perspective, I have to say that Heather Bullard’s chicken coop…that she affectionately calls “Chez Poulet”, speaks to me the most. And I have a feeling that many of you may feel the same – as it’s pinned all over Pinterest. Heather paid great attention to detail when designing her coop – I love the classic black & white palette and the barn-like details (e.g., barn doors and cupola). She also thought through everything in terms of access & storage for all that she would need. And it’s incredibly livable for her hens as well. Lastly, I love that Heather didn’t stop designing with just the coop…she also beautifully integrated it with her other outdoor spaces with wisely chosen plant material and brick pathways. Love it! Please check it out for yourself.
2. Coop Dreams –
Although the style of this coop would not flow well with my home’s architecture, I do really appreciate the modern twist owners and architects Mitchell Snyder and Shelley Martin put on the home for their feathered friends. I also appreciate how they placed the attached run into their side yard…a space that many people underutilize. In addition to the sleek design, Snyder & Martin really thought through functionality and use for both them and their hens…for example, an exterior hatch-door to gather the eggs from the nesting box inside. The added bonus is the “green roof” they topped off their coop with – which not only keeps their ladies cooler, it also provides the couple with a place to grow herbs and veggies. (Click on the image above or here to see more pics and a good deal of information.)
3. “The Coop” –
This is another chicken coop I found pinned a great deal. Click here and you’ll see why. Karen, TV host and do-it-yourselfer-extraordinaire, provides a ton of pictures and an incredible amount of information that will both inspire you and help you build a coop of your own. Karen clearly has an eye for design…but she’s also really thought through everything in terms of access to eggs, food, water, storage…ventilation…and the views to and from her home. But don’t take my word for it…go see for yourself. I think you’ll be glad you did.
4. The Texas Garden Coop –
If you’re not looking to start your chicken coop from scratch, here’s an example of how you can buy a set of chicken coop design plans and make it your own. Lila K. bought the Garden Coop design off of and then modified it to address some structural needs, as well as to add a bit of her own style. Because she lives on the Gulf Coast where the weather can be pretty wild, Lila ended up sinking 4×4 posts into the ground to secure her coop more soundly. To give it a bit of her own flair, she added some trim and painted it and the roof beams a cool green – which not only adds a punch of color, but it also communicates an added degree of intention. Clearly, Lila wants to make a statement with the home she’s providing for her hens.
5. Scott Family Farm –
You don’t think I could provide you a list of my Top 5 Chicken Coop Designs without including my own do you?! But I really do think it’s a pretty cool design both…functionally and aesthetically. I’ve already written all about it on past posts…so I won’t bore you with all that again here. However, I have included the posts on my coop designs in the first of the lists below. In an attempt to keep “all things chickens” in one place, the second list of posts links you to additional information on raising backyard chickens that I though you might find helpful. Please check them out.
Chicken Coop Design:
- Primary design objectives: From “Land of the Lost” to “Scott Family Farm”
- Chicken Coop / Bunny Hutch Floor Plan: Our Chicken Coop Design (Part 1 of 2…err 3)
- Chicken Coop Front Elevation: Our Chicken Coop Design (Part 2 of 3)
- Chicken Coop Side & Back Elevations: Our Chicken Coop Design (Part 3 of 3)
- And just for fun, the video we produced to introduce our ladies.
Helpful Information on Raising Backyard Chickens:
- Why we raise chickens: We Love Our Chickens…But They’re Not for Everyone
- Backyard Chickens Basics: Raising Chickens 101: Why & How Many?
- Some things I’ve learned about raising chickens: The Real Truth about Raising Backyard Chickens
- What about cold weather, predators, and washing your eggs?: Raising Chickens II…Answering Your Questions
In case I didn’t provide you with enough information(!!)…here is a link to an episode of Growing a Greener World, where friend and TV host Joe Lamp’l and his friend and colleague Theresa Loe provide you with some incredibly helpful information if you’re thinking about jumping into the world of raising backyard chickens.
So there you have it…my Top 5 Chicken Coops…that I hope will both inspire you and help you in your chicken husbandry endeavors.
Have you seen other chicken coops that have inspired you? If so, please share. Also, please let me know if you have any questions or need clarification on anything.
Take care,
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How do your chicken’s access their run?
Hey Ashlei, thanks for the question. I have a “chute” or “chunnel” (i.e., chicken tunnel) between the coop and the run. They actually love running back and forth from space to space … and it also gives those lower in the picking order a quick get-away from whomever is pecking on them. You can find a schematic of my entire chicken area (aka, Scott Family Farm) on this post: I hope this helps and please reach back out if you have any other questions. Take care, D.