[VIDEO] Introducing…Our Backyard Chickens!

If you’ve been on RYGblog more than once you’ve probably gathered that we are the proud owners of a small flock of backyard chickens …7 of them. And although we do love them because of the eggs they give us every day, we also love them because we consider them pets…part of our family.
Now…I’ve written posts about them and provided sketches of their coop…but I’ve never really formally introduced them to you…well besides telling you their names and what kind of chickens they are.
So…I enlisted the help of my friend Joe Braun (www.best30seconds.com)…who produced our RYG Video…to pull together a short video giving my chickadees the air-time credit that they deserve. Enjoy! (And thanks Joe!)
Now that you’ve officially met our Fancy Lady Friends and if you’re interested in expanding your family to include some of your own, check out some of our other posts to learn more from our experience.
- The Real Truth about Backyard Chickens
- Raising Backyard Chickens 101: Why & How Many?
- Raising Backyard Chickens…Answering Your Questions
- Why, Yes…Our Chickens Do Have Names
- Our Chicken Coop Design (Part 1 of 2…err 3)
- Our Chicken Coop Design – Front Elevation (Part 2 of 3)
- Our Chicken Coop Design (Part 3 of 3)
- My Top 5 Chicken Coop Designs
Cheers friends (oh…and Happy Valentine’s Day!),
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Great video! We were both smiling the whole time. 🙂
Thanks Eric (and J!). It was a ton of fun to film. We really do love having chickens. Beyond being pets that give us tasty eggs, they add texture to our lives and add to the Scott Family Story. Glad it made you smile. Cheers friend, D.
Oh Doug you are so funny…love it! The video is quite hilarious and I want your barred rock chickens…they’re gorgeous!!
Ashley…thanks for your kind words my friend. However, no amount of sweet-talkin’ is going to get me to part ways with Henny and Polly! But I agree, they are gorgeous…definitely Britt’s favorites. Take care Ash, D.
Douglas…it’s great that you took time to personally introduce the Scott family chickens. You make raising chickens hip and cool! You should raise ducks as well:)
Steve: Thanks for your comment my friend. Well, raising chickens is hip & cool…so it’s not tough to make it seem that way! And yes…thought about raising ducks…but currently, I don’t have the amount of water I need to make their lives happy. So…what are you waiting for my hip & cool friend? Start a family flock of your own! Take care, D.
Thanks for all your inspiration!! I’ve been following and sharing
your blog quietly. Hoping to implement some day soon in our
space. We have a coop that could use a redesign but the husband
can’t see “chicken” yet! But the gardens YES… and trying to save
our Fruit Trees!!
That’s awesome Tara…thanks for checking in and for your comment. Have hubby take a look at some of the posts linked to the bottom of this one…and if he’s still not convinced, let me know…we can talk! Take care, D.
I finally watched your video introduction of you chickens! I loved it… although I have already had the honor of meeting your birds. Great Job!!!!
Thanks Donna…it was a fun video to do…if you couldn’t tell! Hope you and your crew come back soon for another visit. Love you widdle seester! – D.
Your video is great! Thank you for introducing all of us to your chickens. They look very happy.
Thanks Jennifer! I think that my ladies are quite happy. I took a look at your website, and I have to say, your chickies seem quite content as well! Thanks for checking out our blog…and I hope you have a great rest of your week. Take care, D.