Introducing … Lisa Steele and “Fresh Eggs Daily”

As I’ve said on previous posts, one of the biggest perks of this RYG journey has been getting to meet some truly amazing people. (I air-quoted “meet” because I haven’t actually met them…or even talked to them, but I have gotten to know them on their blogs and through emails back and forth.) Anyway…the latest person I’ve met is Lisa Steele…a 5th generation chicken keeper and the author and creator of an amazing blog called Fresh Eggs Daily®
On Fresh Eggs Daily® Lisa offers a mix of advice, tips and tricks to raising chickens as naturally as possible. But if you don’t raise chickens, no worries…Lisa offers much more than just advice about chickens. By sharing gardening tips, recipes using fresh eggs and garden goodies, creative ways of using re-purposed materials, DIY projects, crafts and so much more…Lisa inspires you to live a less complicated life…a life that has a more natural cadence…as if you lived on a farm – even if you live in the burbs like me!
So if you haven’t been to her blog, I’d highly recommend that you do. Once there you’ll see why Fresh Eggs Daily® was selected by Better Homes and Gardens as one of the Top 10 Gardening Blogs for 2014…and you’ll also see why Lisa’s passions and expertise has made her a highly sought after speaker and magazine contributor. So again, check out Fresh Eggs Daily®…I know you’ll be glad that you did.
Now let me wet your whistle with a few of my favorite posts…
The Ultimate Chicken Care Guide
This is not so much of a post as it is a compilation of over 175 posts (!)…where Lisa has categorized all-things-chicken…including:
- Chicken raising basics
- Hatching eggs and raising chicks
- Health issues
- Feed, treats, and nutrition
- All about eggs
- Cleaning and sanitation
- Seasonal considerations…
- …and a lot more!
If you have your own flock…or if you’re considering getting started, this is a post you really just have to check out…and then likely come back to over and over again as you care for your chickens. So click here and get ready for a flood of incredibly helpful information.
Homemade Butter and Buttermilk Biscuits
There’re very few things that say country cookin’ more to me than a big ole’ warm, fluffy buttermilk biscuit…and then to add homemade butter to it…come on now! When I was a kid my grandma would make them…and we would sit on her back porch after dinner and eat them with blobs of butter and honey that we’d whip into a sweet buttery mash…for dessert. They were amazing! And that same grandma had an old butter churn just outside her kitchen…and I remember being very confused by it…like, how does butter come out of that thing, and more importantly, why? Anyway, the good thing about this homemade butter recipe is that it let’s you use your stand-up mixer…which I think we’ll definitely opt for.
Britt has been milling our own flour for a couple years now, so we are definitely going to have to try this biscuit recipe. Maybe this weekend…and if so, I’ll let you know how they turn out. So if you’re looking to add a little bit of buttery, fluffy goodness to your next supper…check out this post where Lisa shares her buttermilk biscuit recipe and a recipe for homemade butter she found in Grit magazine.
DIY Wood & Wire New England Clam Hod Egg Basket
I may not be from New England, but I do have 7 hens who produce a bunch of eggs every day. I also have quite a bit of wood and wire lying around…so I am definitely going to try my hand at making a couple of these New England Clam Hod Egg Baskets – even though until now I had no idea what a clam hod was. Anyway, I saw this post shared on Facebook a couple of weeks ago…and quickly added making one…or two…or three of these to my list of things to do in the next several weeks. If you’d like to check it out yourself…click here…Lisa provides very detailed instructions on how to make one.
The cool thing is, this basket could be used for so many things…for not only collecting eggs, but veggies too…or flowers…or kindling…or to bring anything really back and forth from your yard. Once I’ve made mine, I’ll share what I learned…and how I’ve used it. Okay…there’s just a taste of what you’ll find on Fresh Eggs Daily®. Please check it out…and if you like what you see, go ahead and subscribe so that you can get a regular dose of farm life inspiration throughout your week.
Thanks Lisa Steele for all that you’ve shared with the world on your awesome blog…and for letting me share these posts with my RYGblog friends. Really appreciate it.
Take care all,
Other Chicken-Related Posts on RYGblog
- Why, Yes…Our Backyard Chickens Do Have Names
- My Top 5 Chicken Coop Designs
- Our Chicken Coop Design (Part 1 of 2…err 3)
- Our Chicken Coop Design – Front Elevation (Part 2 of 3)
- Our Chicken Coop Design (Part 3 of 3)
- The Real Truth about Backyard Chickens
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Interesting blog!
Thanks so much Janet…I appreciate your words of encouragement. I hope you have a great weekend. Take care, D.
And thanks to Lisa of Fresh Eggs Daily for sharing this on Facebook. It’s always nice to meet others who are unleashing their inner farmers in suburbia.
Thanks Deb…and it’s nice to “meet” another chicken-lovin’ suburbanite! We love our ladies on so many levels. Oh…and I just started following your blog via Bloglovin’. GREAT blog…I look forward to reading more from you. Take care, D.
Thanks for following, Doug. I am following you, too. Your blog is inspiring.
YupYup…and thanks Deb! I look forward to our mutually inspiring each other. Take care, D.