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Our Chicken Coop Design (Part 3 of 3)
Finally! My last post on the design of our chicken coop. Below you’ll find a description and rendering of the final 3 elevations – right, left, and rear. Part 1 provided a schematic of the area where our coop/hutch sits, as well as a floor plan. Part 2 provided a description and rendering of the…
Read MoreOur Chicken Coop Design – Front Elevation (Part 2 of 3)
Okay, I lied. I had hoped to finish up writing on our chicken coop design with this post, but I ran out of time and markers…seriously – my gray marker ran out. So today I’m going to focus on the front elevation and next week I’ll wrap it up with the other 3 elevations. …
Read MoreOur Chicken Coop Design (Part 1 of 2…err 3)
Given the frequency of posts about our feathered ladies, I know some of you may think my life revolves around our chickens. Well I assure you that’s not the case…but they do add quite a bit of texture to my family’s life. But with that…I do have yet another post on our chickens…and this time…
Read MoreMy Top 5 Chicken Coop Designs
Now that spring is here and the weather finally seems to be cooperating, I’m chomping at the bit to get some of my projects outside underway. One area of our yard I’m going to focus on first is in and around our chicken coop…my ladies are needing just a bit more attention! So off to Pinterest…
Read MoreThe Trifecta of Posts on Winter Chicken Care … from Lisa Steele | Fresh Eggs Daily
Last week I did a post on some crazy stuff we crazy chicken people do with our chickens – put diapers on them, use harnesses to take them on walks, and dress them up in costumes. But honestly, these are all things really more for our benefit or entertainment than for our chickens’. So clearly…
Read MoreCrazy Stuff for Chickens – Diapers, Harnesses, and Costumes!
I’ve become the “chicken guy” to a number of my friends. How do I know? Well because it seems that I’m the go-to for those who are considering raising backyard chickens…reaching out to ask me what it’s really like to have them. While others, who already have chickens, call to ask questions about specific chicken-related issues. But…
Read MoreThe new phonebook is here! The new phonebook is here! Well, not really…but our new Chicken eBook is!!!
Well, you may not be as excited as Navin R. Johnson* was to receive the new phonebook…or even excited at all to hear that our new Chicken eBook is here. But since we’ve been sharing our chicken stories here on RYGblog we’ve had a number of folks ask us to pull our posts together and share…
Read More[VIDEO] Introducing…Our Backyard Chickens!
If you’ve been on RYGblog more than once you’ve probably gathered that we are the proud owners of a small flock of backyard chickens …7 of them. And although we do love them because of the eggs they give us every day, we also love them because we consider them pets…part of our family. Now…I’ve written…
Read MoreWhy, Yes…Our Backyard Chickens Do Have Names
I shouldn’t find it funny, really…that one of the most common questions people ask about our chickens is “Do they have names?”. Although having chickens as pets is trendy in some circles, it’s still not the norm…so given that most peoples’ context for chickens is what they’re having for dinner, it’s not that odd of…
Read MoreRaising Backyard Chickens 101: Why & How Many?
My chicken posts from the last couple of weeks seemed to have piqued the interest of quite a few…particularly on the design of our chicken coop. Today’s post will be the first of several where I’ll provide greater context and a bit more detail on not only the design of our coop, but on a…
Read MoreRaising Backyard Chickens…Answering Your Questions
We really had a great response from last week’s post on the truth about raising backyard chickens…at least my truths. In addition to a good deal of traffic, we also got some good questions. I’ll answer some of them here. Please keep your questions coming…I’d love to provide you any insight that I can. “What,…
Read MoreThe Real Truth about Raising Backyard Chickens
When I first started raising backyard chickens I really knew next to nothing. I knew what I wanted to get out of raising chickens, but beyond my vast experience at raising parakeets as a kid (which didn’t help much at all…surprise), I didn’t have a clue. Now, after having a whopping 1.5 years of experience…
Read MoreWe Love Our Backyard Chickens … But They’re Not for Everyone
Britt and I were just talking the other day about how crazy it is that we’ve become chicken people…not crazy, walking around with feathers in our hair and chicken poop on our clothes chicken people (well most of the time), but chicken-owning, chicken-loving chicken people. When we got married we would have never dreamed of…
Read MoreFrom “Land of the Lost” to “Scott Family Farm” … for Our Backyard Chickens
When thinking of how to describe what our side yard used to be like, I couldn’t help but think of one of my favorite childhood after-school TV shows – “The Land of the Lost”. While there were no Sleestaks nor close calls of being eaten by a dinosaur, it certainly was the part of our…
Read MoreHelpful Links
Helpful Links We thought that y’all might like a single place to find links to resources we’ve found helpful and other sites & folks that have inspired us. So here it is … organized by RYG Lifestyle. And to make it even easier, if there’s a Lifestyle you’re most interested in, just click on it…
Read MoreInspiration Gallery
Inspiration Gallery If you’re looking for a little visual inspiration RYG-style, you’ve come to the right place. To narrow your view, just choose your preferred category below & we’ll serve up just those pics. Then, if you see something you like, click on it and we’ll jump you over to the respective post or site.[Note:…
Read More4 Must-Haves for the 4th of July!
In just a couple of days you’ll very likely be hanging out with a group of friends or family…celebrating the 4th of July. Which will likely involve being outside and eating some really good food…and maybe an adult beverage or two…and a sparkler thrown in there to round things out. So…to help you make your…
Read MoreHerb Garden Basics: 5 Tips for the Bestest Herb Garden Ever!
Herb gardens are all the craze these days. But that’s really nothing new…herbs have been used for all sorts of reasons for centuries. They’re really easy to grow, have all sorts of uses, and probably give you the biggest bang for your food gardening buck. So if you’re considering trying your hand at growing food…
Read MoreRYG 2016 in Pictures … What a Year It Was!
I’m still not certain if all this social media shtuff is a net-good-thing or not. Which is quite ironic given that I’m relying on social media to reach you … and it’s partly the foundation on which I’m trying to build Redeem Your Ground. Oh the tension of life. Regardless, one thing I do appreciate…
Read MoreDeclaring War on Mosquitoes | DIY Wine Bottle Tiki Torch
I can’t stand mosquitoes. Sure … I get that they serve some purpose in the greater ecosystem, but as Brownie often asks me, I’m sometimes left wondering too – “Why did God ever create mosquitoes?!?” And I know that I’m not alone. So today’s post is on how-to-make a DIY wine bottle tiki torch –…
Read MoreLast Minute Gift Ideas for Your Ground Redeemer
I once did a post on last minute gift ideas for your ground redeeming friends and family t … and was recently been asked if I was going to do it again. Well … the answer is, “I am.” Today. Right now. So keep reading. (By the way, feel free to check out the other…
Read MorePlant Combinations for Spring Container Gardening
Last year I did a post with Helen Weis from Unique by Design on container gardening basics. And when I tell you it’s been our most popular post…that’s really an understatement. It’s gotten almost half of our pageviews over the past 12 months. Crazy! [Thanks again Helen…oh-wise-guru-of-all-things-container-gardening!!] Soooo….I thought I’d follow-up with another container gardening…
Read MoreUpcycled Nesting Box … Transformed into Boot Storage
Ever since we’ve been raising chickens, we’ve been accumulating chicken-themed stuff … ties, books, towels, objects, etc. Some of the chicken-stuff we’ve bought ourselves, but some we’ve received as gifts. And not that we’re turning all cat-lady on you …i n a chicken-kinda-way, but I guess you could say, chickens is something we’re becoming…
Read MoreGarden Trends 2015
Man…when we signed off at Christmas…saying that we’ll reconnect in the New Year, I had no idea that it would be over 3 weeks before we did. Sorry about that…but thanks. Our time away has been very good..and I hope yours was too. We had some great time together as a family…which was really nice and much needed. We also spent a…
Read MoreLet There Be Light…String Lights!
If you’ve been reading RYGblog for anytime at all, you’ve probably heard me talk about “Scott Family Farm”…which is really just our side yard that we’ve redeemed from the waste of a space it used to be. (If you’re just tuning in and are interested in seeing more of what I’m talking about, check out…
Read MoreFall Is In the Air…Time for Fall Family Activities!
This past week has been so nice here in Atlanta – we’ve officially turned the calendar to fall and with that have come the cooler temps and breezes that mark the season. So before all the leaves are off the trees and winter’s cold winds take over, I wanted to jot down some of the things that my 3…
Read MoreBest Fall Flowers – Bringing Life to Your Outdoor Spaces
Truth be told, I’m not a huge fan of annuals…at any time of the year really. They’re an added cost…and frankly, I’m really not into the extra work they require – planting them and then taking care of them…waaah! And with fall approaching…as the days are getting cooler and shorter…and my yard starts to slip…
Read MoreIntroducing … Lisa Steele and “Fresh Eggs Daily”
As I’ve said on previous posts, one of the biggest perks of this RYG journey has been getting to meet some truly amazing people. (I air-quoted “meet” because I haven’t actually met them…or even talked to them, but I have gotten to know them on their blogs and through emails back and forth.) Anyway…the latest person I’ve met is Lisa Steele…a 5th…
Read MoreMy Potting Bench (Post #2 of 2)
If you’re just tuning into RYGblog and haven’t seen the first post about my potting bench, I’d recommend that you do. It provides you with a bit more context, as well as some instructions on a few of the potting bench’s details (i.e., this post doesn’t cover it all). Regardless, let me remind you of what…
Read MoreWhat’s Your Story?
Do you have the kind of friend who will really tell you like it is? Not in a jerky kind of way…well because that’s not a friend, that’s a jerk. No, I mean the kind of friend who will speak into your life in a critical, yet life-giving kind of way. I do…in fact I’m…
Read MoreNot Your Average Treehouse
My girls had been asking me to build them a playhouse for some time. For months I thought through design ideas, but I couldn’t get the thought of this diminutive structure being outgrown by both of my girls no sooner than I finished building it…and then it would go unused and become less than worthless…
Read MoreHow We’ve Redeemed Our Ground … and Will!
Winter is a unique time of year for those of us who enjoy spending a lot of time outside in our yards. This is a common time for organizing our tools and cleaning things up, but it’s also a great opportunity to reflect over the past year’s projects, while looking forward to the next. As…
Read MoreRYG Blog
Welcome to RYGblog Stories & information to help you get outside more at home. Whatever you enjoy doing outside at home … or have dreamed of doing … we hope that we can help you get out there to do it more often – connecting with family, friends & nature. Below you’ll find some Featured …
Read MoreChristmas Gift Ideas … RYG Style!
Looking for last minute gift ideas for your ground redeeming friend or family member this Christmas? If so, we’ve come up with a few suggestions to help you out.* Hopefully these ideas will work…but if not, maybe they’ll at least get you thinking a bit. Regardless, you better get to it…because times-a-tickin’! (By the way, feel…
Read MoreStrep Throat, Bronchitis, and Southern Living ®
Well…that’s probably the first time you’ve ever seen those three things on a list together. Clearly, “one of these things is not like the other” (more on that below). But what they all do have in common is that they’ve kept me from writing my weekly RYGblog posts. And I’m so sorry about that. First…
Read MoreSpotlight on RYG’s Posts on Holiday Crafts & Decor
So this past weekend we were “officially” introduced to our local community at an event hosted by our friends from a really cool local home & garden boutique – the bird and the bee. We really had a great time…and are so appreciative to the bird and the bee and everyone who stopped by. Not…
Read MoreClient Stories
CLIENT STORIES Helping you tell the story you want told at home. We all have dreams for what life looks like at home … and our passion is to help you create outdoor spaces that realize those dreams. We believe we do just that … but don’t take our word for it, hear what our…
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